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ISIS Defeated in Kobani

By Adnan Khan In a video released by the pro-ISIS Aamaq News Agency on Fri­day 30 Jan­u­ary 2015, ISIS acknowl­edged that its fight­ers have been defeated in the Syr­ian north­ern town of Kobani.[1] The bat­tle for Kobani which began in late 2014, received much global media atten­tion as over 200,000 Kurds from the town crossed the bor­der into Turkey lead­ing to the call for all Kurds to come to the res­cue. Com­par­isons were made with the Nazi defeat in Stal­in­grad , which was the begin­ning of the end of the Third Reich. Since the ISIS dec­la­ra­tion of the Caliphate back in June 2014, ISIS expanded its con­trol and entered into many bat­tles with rebel groups, al-Assad’s’ forces and the US air force. Analysing the loss of Kobani reveals ISIS is now on the defen­sive, but not defeated. It was in Sep­tem­ber 2014 that ISIS fight­ers cap­tured some 300 Kur­dish vil­lages near Kobani and thrust into the town itself. Tens of thou­sands of refugees spilled across th

Explanation of At-Takattul al-Hizbi (Party Structuring) - Part 21

Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi  (Explanation of  Party Structuring ).  This is a translation from the explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.  TO ACCESS PART 20 CLICK  HERE The way that the Hizb develops and establishes itself: These are the three situations that will confront the Kutlah when it proceeds in the battlefield of life. If it remains firm in the face of these factors then it would have passed through the first line of defence of the thoughts of disbelief and attained the following achievements or results:  1) The crystallization of its thought: The clashing that takes place with other thoughts, discussing them and making clear their corruption inevitably leads to the embodiment of this thought and its crystallization. This means its movement from a fluid state to a state where it is solidified and embodied i.e. from empty thoughts of imagination to a vision of the reality and its application upon it. This is because when

Explanation of At-Takattul al-Hizbi (Party Structuring) - Part 20

Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi  (Explanation of  Party Structuring ).  This is a translation from the explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.  TO ACCESS PART 19 CLICK  HERE (The development of the Kutlah). This is from the intellectual angle as laid out on paper i.e. upon the basis that it is meant to be upon. As for the existence of the first cell then this is only represented in a man who is from the same kind and type as this thought in respect to his purity. This means that he believes in it alone and that his thought has not blended with a collection of thoughts that have been mixed with impurities. Therefore, just as this Aqeedah has a single source alone which is the Wahy (divinely inspired revelation) then similarly this person must also have a single basis for his thought. This basis is the Aqeedah and what it came with in terms of texts and nothing other than this. His mind is there only to comprehend this Aqeedah and to unders