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The West has lost the battle for hearts and minds

The battle has been lost. It began whilst the embers of the last Khilafah State were still burning, soon to be extinguished. Whilst the poet’s ink was fresh on the page, when he cried, The wedding songs turned into echoes of mourning, And your death was announced within the signs of joy, You were shrouded in the night of wedding with its dress, And you were buried at the time of morning break, You were escorted to your burial in horror, with the tears of a laughing (person), In every area; and with agony of drunkenness of a conscious (person). Minarets and minbars shouted for you, Kingdoms and provinces cried on you, India is bewildered and Egypt is sad, And she cries on you with flowing tears. Ash-Sham, Iraq and Persia ask, Is there anyone who wiped the Khilafah from our lands? All the great and the good attended your funeral, They sat there in the seats of mourning, O men! Watch a murdered noble-born (lady), She was killed without sin or guilt. Th

Generating Atmospheres Within the Muslim Community in the West

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ In recent times we have seen the acceleration of efforts of the Western nations to assimilate Muslims. The death of multiculturalism, open calls from politicians for a Western version of Islam and the narrative of countering non-violent extremism has prompted many pertinent questions raised by carriers of the Islamic Da’wah such as: How do we counter the resilient campaign within an ideological nation to assimilate Muslims?  Whilst the potential exists to influence and culture Muslim individuals who will not assimilate and will hold onto the Islamic ideas about life, is it feasible to generate an alternative atmosphere within Muslim communities that oppose the strong public opinion that dominates society founded on the fundamental ideas of capitalism?  What are the prerequisites required to achieving tangible results in this domain? What are the necessary actions and core elements needed to achieve this?  In order to answer these questions i

Q&A on Khilafah & methodology with Osman Bakhash and Dr. Malkawi

Interview with Br. Osman Bakhash and Dr. Malkawi after the Khilafah Conference 2015 in Malaysia.