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Q&A: Divine Reason (‘Ilah)

Question: As-Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Dear Sheikh, can you please answer the following question? It is regarding divine ‘ilah, where does it come under in the Speech of the Legislator relating to the actions of the worshippers? Does it come under the speech of following command (Iqtida’), or circumstances (Wadh’) or choice (Takhieer)? And what is the difference between ‘ilah and sabab? Answer: Wa Alaikum us Salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu The Hukm Shar’i is defined as the Speech of the Legislator related to the actions of the worshippers by following the command (Iqtida’), or choice (Takhieer) or circumstances (Wadh’). Iqtida is a command, it includes the command to undertake an action or to abstain from an action, it includes the definite command and the indefinite command; the definite command to undertake the action is the Fardh, the indefinite command to undertake an action is the Mandoub, the definite command to abstain from an action is the Haram, and the

Q&A: The “Smelting” Process Before and After the Establishment of the Islamic State

Question: Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu, What is your vision for the method of carrying out the “smelting” process after taking power? Will it be through group culturing circles (Halaqat) or lectures, or through Media and Education Curriculum? Jazak Allah Khair From Mustapha El Mawed Answer: Wa Alaikum us Salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu Before answering your question, I would like to quote an extract from the book “At-Takatul Al-Hizbi” (Structuring of a Party)  that defines the “smelting” process :  “ … an ideological Hizb which would progress naturally in two tracks: First, through multiplication it will generate other cells which embrace the ideology with complete awareness and comprehension; and second, through creating and building general awareness about the ideology throughout the Ummah. The general awareness about the ideology will lead to the unification of the thoughts, opinions, and beliefs within the majority if not the whole of the Ummah.

Q&A: Is it permissible for the State to impose taxes on Muslims?

Question: As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu, May Allah allow you to persevere. I have a question that I hope that you can answer… It is known that “taxes” are Muharramah (prohibited) in Islam. So how can the State treat the deficit and particularly when there does not exist today “At-Tawzheef – Al-‘Ushoor – Al-Kharaaj”. They do not currently exist. From Khalid Aali Yaseen Answer: Wa Alaikum Assalaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu, It appears there is some confusion from you in respect to the subject area of the question. That is because you said: “Taxes are Muharram (prohibited) in Islam”. That is correct in a general manner however it is specified in specific cases… Similarly, you say: “That there is no ‘Ushoor and Kharaaj today” whilst it is known that the land of the Muslims is either ‘Ushriyah or Kharaajiyah, and that they are (both) present. You have (also) mentioned: “At-Tawzheef, Al-’Ushoor and Al-Kharaaj” whilst the word ‘At-Tawzheef’ here has no p