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History of the ‘Ilm of Usool ul-Fiqh

  1) Allah (swt) sent the Messenger Muhammad (saw) with Islam to mankind in its entirety. So he began with the Arabs whilst the Qur’an Al-Kareem had been revealed in their language. Its revelation came in the age when the Arabic language was at is ripest and indeed in the golden age of this language. This was at a time when the Arab tribes had established special arts markets so that they could present their poetry and compete with one another in respect to their skills and prowess. The Arabs understood the Qur’an and the Hadith because the language which the Ayaat and Ahadith came in represented a natural talent, trait and inborn disposition which they were endowed with. They could fully take in the meanings of its worded expressions and understood its styles. Consequently, each of them would take the Hukm Shar’i that he required without difficulty. The situation of the Muslims then continued like that in the era of the Sahabah (ra) and the Taabi’een until the beginning

Money from Hostile States against Islam Will Never End the Suffering of Syrian Refugees

On the 3 rd of October, Turkey announced that the European Commission had signed two direct grants worth €600 million to support Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey in the areas of education and health. Half of the grant will supposedly be used to support Syrian refugee children’s integration into the Turkish schooling system. Only 340,000 of the 814,000 school-age Syrian children currently in Turkey received education last year. The plan is to increase this number to 400,000. The other €300 million is aimed at the provision of comprehensive health care for refugees in Turkey. There is no doubt that the Syrian refugees, and in particular the children, titled by the UN as the “Lost Generation”, are in dire need of support. Most refugee children and youth are forced to skip school, due to being compelled to earn a living for their families or due to difficulties in adapting to life in their new host country. However, these agreements and payments are faulty due to three as

The difference between Usool ul-Fiqh and Fiqh

1) Usool ul-Fiqh , as we have mentioned, represents the principles ( Qawa’id ) that the Mujtahid follows in the Istinbat (extraction) of the practical Shari’ah rulings from their detailed evidences like the Qaa’idah (principle): ‘Working with two evidences is better (more proper) than neglecting one of them’. This is whilst Fiqh is the ‘Ilm (knowledge) of the practical Ahkam Shari’ah taken from its detailed evidences like: Khamr is Haraam, Al-Jihaad is Fard . Tahaarah is a Shart (condition) from the conditions of the validity of the Salaah and like Haid (menses) is A Maani’ (prevention) for the performance of the Salaah. 2) Usool ul-Fiqh includes studies in relation to the language and its principles because these principles are necessary for Ijtihad . This is like: The studies about the Haqeeqah (literal) and Majaaz (metaphorical), the meanings of the Huroof Al-Jarr (prepositions), the Huroof Ash-Shart , and the general Alfaazh (expressions) amongst othe