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The Shariah rule on receiving ‘cashback’ from electronic wallets or payment wallets

The following is the translation of an answer by Ustadh Abu Khaled al-Hejazi, please refer to the Arabic original for exact meanings. Question What is the rule on receiving ‘ cashback ’ from electronic wallets or payment wallets? Many of the electronic wallets give a cashback of 5% and sometimes even more upon using their wallets to make payments such as the electricity bill and so on, is this ‘cashback’ considered from Riba? In addition to this when these electronic wallets are recharged, we receive more than the amount we recharge for. For eg, if we recharge the payment wallet for 100 Riyals we receive 110 Riyals in our electronic wallet, is this additional amount riba, this is while keeping in consideration the fact that these wallets are not banks. Answer The  electronic wallet is a digital application which organizes payments digitally,  and it includes a wallet which stores the users details in an encrypted form on the application or the server of the payment wallet com

Q&A: Disposal of Haram Funds & Deceit in Trade

Questions :                                                              Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu our Ameer, may Allah elevate you and bring victory to this Ummah by your hands. If I may, I have two questions: The first: In your Answer to the Question to a brother regarding stocks, you said in the Answer: If you give authority to your mother who is kaffir to sell the shares after you learned that they (stocks) are forbidden, in a certain period, then you must dispose of the profits of your shares in this specific period by spending them in the interest of the Muslims. What is the evidence that he should put it in the interest of the Muslims as long as he is not the owner of this money in the Shariah, how is it allowed for him to dispose of it? The second question: I work in the field of selling vegetables as a peddler. I buy from the market that is about forty kilometers away from me. Sometimes I find a blemish in the commodity … It is customary that if

The Aim of Turkish Military Intervention is to Stifle the Syrian Revolution and Eliminate It

There is no doubt that the Turkish regime had a prominent role in the events of Ash-Sham’s revolution at all levels; it was an effective tool of the Kaffir West to anesthetize the revolution from its inception as an introduction to eliminate it later; its role emerged in many areas to stifle Ash-Sham’s revolution and weaken the revolutionaries’ resolve and control their decision to serve the political solution that America wants. Since the beginning of your blessed revolution the Turkish regime worked to contain dissident officers and put them in camps similar to prisons in order to remove them from the arena of conflict so as not to benefit from their expertise. In addition it linked the factions’ leadership to it through a range of actions, of which most the important is the dirty political money, which greatly and effectively contributed to keeping them divided and fueling the fire of fighting between them, in addition to control them and their decision. The result of these actions