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Video: Studies in Usul ul Fiqh | Misapplications of Shari Maxims

As explained previously, maxims (related to Fiqh or Usul al-Fiqh) are important. It is known that there are differences among jurists regarding some maxims. This does not constitute any problem since differences among jurists do exist and it can be viewed as a feature in the general body of Fiqh. It adds diversity and dynamism to the Fiqh. However, there are times in which some misapplications for some maxims happen. This is despite the fact that previous jurists did not mean for these maxims to reach to the conclusions some started calling for utilizing wrongly these maxims. There are five maxims known as al-Qawaed al-Khams. They are the following as being translated by some: 1. Matters will be judged by their purposes. الأمور بمقاصدها 2. Certainty will not be overturned by doubt. اليقين لا يزول إلا بالشك 3. Harm must be removed. الضرر يزال 4. Hardship must be alleviated. المشقة تجلب التيسير 5. Custom has the weight of law. العادة محكمة Another sixth maxim can be added which is

Video: Imam Al Mahdi from the authentic Islamic texts

Professor Muhammad Al Massari discusses matters related to the prophecised Imam Al Mahdi from authentic Islamic texts, scrutinizes all evidences and assembles a chronology of events based on authentic narrations. Part 1 Part 2  

Video: Studies in Usul ul Fiqh | An Introduction to Legal Maxims

Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) الفقه الإسلامي is a very important and diverse discipline. its literature is very vast. In addition to the body of the legal rules, it includes Usul al Fiqh أصول الفقه (Islamic legal theory), comparative Fiqh الفقه المقارن, 'Ilm al-Khilaf علم الخلاف (studying differences among jurists and their basis) and 'Ilm al-Qawaed al-Shareyyah. القواعد الشرعية This discipline addresses the legal maxims and their application. Muslim jurists, in the past and the present, produced huge literature addressing this aspect of Fiqh. This is part of a video series by Sheikh Abu Tariq Iyad Hilal. Source: Al-Arqam Institute