The following is a translation from Arabic. Question 1: In origin is it permitted for Muslims to live in the land of the disbelievers as some ahadith indicate that this is prohibited. The Prophet (saw) said in translation, “I am not responsible for any Muslim who stays among polytheists.” They asked: ‘Why, Apostle of Allah?’ He said: ‘Their fires should not be visible to one another’, and he (saw) said, “Whoever joins the polytheists and lives with them then he is like them” and he (saw) said: “Migration will not end until repentance ends, and repentance will not end until the sun rises in the West.” (”Al-Musnad“, Vol.4/99, Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad, Vol.3/7, Hadith 2479, and ad-Darami, Kitab as-Siyyar, Vol.2/239. Albani classifies it as Sahih. See: “Sahih al-Ja’mi’ as-Sagheer”, Vol.6/186, Hadith 7346) How do we understand these evidences? Answer: The issue of migration. Texts of mentioned Ahadith are as follows: «أنا بريء من كل مسلم يقيم بين أظهر المشركين قالوا يا رسول الله ولم؟ قا...