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Showing posts with the label Poetry

Poem: Five Pillars Strong

Five pillars strong this deen You made, To counterbalance sins when deeds are weighed. The first is once to say that You are One, Muhammad is Your messenger and slave, not son. Salah is five a day till life is done, Five periods marked by movement of the sun. Give half of five percent of wealth to eight, Lest just amongst the rich it circulate. For fasting You prescribed a month a year, To know the hypocrite from the sincere. And Hajj, one journey to Your Sacred House, Where Abraham did leave his son and spouse. So here I am, my Allah, I am here Here I am. No partner do you have nor peer. Here I am. To You all praise and favor, Yours is the dominion. Without partner. Abu Khadija Zill Hajj, 2007

Poem: Somalia Land of Islam

The following is a poem by a brother. Somalia Land of Islam People of strong iman Somalia graveyard of the crusaders Who never learn from their past mistakes They came in 93 To bring peace, justice and democracy And were despatched in pieces After they were exposed for their hypocrisy Uranium and other resources was the motive Now they are using proxies Ethiopians and So called Somali’s Puppets and traitors Slaves once more Like before This time paid To raid their own kind No dignity or honour US is clever Bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan No more land invasions Maybe they learnt their lesson Not to mess with Muslims Divide and conquer Weaken and annihilate Back to their old ways Old tactics renewed While the Muslims continue to Fight with small arms Hitting and running And blowing up using their own bodies US aware Full of fear Refusing to land troops Coz they remember Black Hawk down Mujahideen say Crusaders welcome To the land of glory and Islam People full of dignity and Taqwa Co...

From deep below

From deep below it came A shock and awe of our time A reminder to all those who forget That the time we have is all but spent That the day when the quake will be greater approaches As the earth narrates our deeds there will be no escape So let the tears not be in vain Ponder upon His signs That you may walk among this earth in comfort Knowing that the deeds it narrates will be to your credit Not the false words of the fakers Or the empty deeds of the heartbreakers In their haughtiness and high towers they will not be safe As the tsunami of death will reach them Then they will see that which they avoid It will hit them as the tidal wave hit the land Sweeping away their souls in the blink of an eye So be wary of the deeds you accrue For on the day of reckoning Even the atoms weight may defeat you 10th January 2005


Empty words do they speak Their speeches full of deceit Their actions full of hypocrisy In their so-called law of democracy The blood of martyrs is still fresh As mothers bury their children to rest These fools continue to obsess In their palaces and high towers With wealth and riches which are ours They run to their masters at every opportunity In the false hope that their treachery will lead to security They need to wake up and smell the reality The Ummah boils and will topple their fallacy As Yathrib fell to the Prophet’s men We too shall overturn Shaytans den The day is near by Allah’s leave The day they fear and perceive As the pledge is given to the one To rule by the book and obey none Except He, the Almighty Lord of men Who revealed and taught man the pen The misery and suffering will wash away Then we will live according to the Prophet’s way

Land of origin

As you sleep in comfort Your land of origin bleeds Crying out for more than prayer beads Indeed one sixth of the Ummah is in need Of carriers of the call trained and ready Cultured and groomed to remain steady So of what use is your study If your books and notes help nobody Whilst you continue to receive your monthly pay Your brothers awaiting you feel dismay So ponder upon the blood that runs through your veins For the thought of your forefathers remains Able to create a sea change With the call that may initially seem strange To remind all of the minarets and forts built long ago Working to remove the pain, suffering and sorrow Not in vain did Tipu’s blood spill Not in vain did Ghaznawi ride the winds This land will return to its true origin Not of poverty and conflict Nor of hunger and the beggar’s bowl To prosperity and peace shall it return For the shade of the Quran do we all yearn With the rule of He who is not begotten Shall we beget, the dawn of a new age So don’t just turn th...

As the land of Bukhari bleeds

As the land of Bukhari bleeds Mothers weep vowing to continue their sons deeds To speak the truth in the face of the tyrant Whose lies can never win the hearts of the non-violent Unarmed they rose their hands in the air Unflinching in their determination not despair Too long have they drowned in oppression Too long have their cries remain unheard By Allah the time for change is near As the tyrant gasps for air All he finds are the calls of those with no fear Whose ears cannot wait to hear Of the toppling of his rule to yesteryear As the sons of Tirmidhi struggle His worry and fear only double For he knows that the blood he spills And the martyrs he kills With his drunken soldiers high on vodka and pills Cannot delay the inevitable The gates of his palace are penetrable This land will return to the Quran’s rule Bring an end to the reign of a fool Zamakshari’s tafseer is not forgotten With all your wealth ill gotten You can never delete the words of the unbegotten The legacy of an-Nasafi...

Hour of truth

As the hour of truth draws nearer Our determination grows, strengthening our resolve As we know what the path that lays before us holds Sticks and stones may break our bones But the power that boils within our breasts can never be contained As its origin is not of this world It is the power that links the living and the dead, this life and what is to come after it, this world and the next Surely their plans will fail Such that the line of their sons will join our ranks, casting aside the years of their forefathers as ignorance Only then will humanity be united Only then will peace prevail And the Word of He who created man from the clot shall reign supreme

Awakening of the Giant

As the shadow of evil is lifted from our lands A new power arises Able to unite humanity with the uttering of a word The statement above all others That shall bellow in the courtyards of the earth Piercing the hearts Penetrating the minds Striking fear into those who oppose it Enlightening those who embrace it For power lies in a word Not in iron forged Nor barracks filled It is a word that they shall speak As the sleeping giant awakes

War against sanity

As the world watches on Mothers cry for their sons, yet they remain strong Oppressed masses protest Wondering, ‘who will be next?’ In their war against sanity Raping and pillaging humanity Tanks roll, guns blaze Continuing these dark days Rivers of blood flow Whilst they open another Texaco The pain of orphans runs deep Yet they loose no sleep For sure the seeds they’ve planted Will reap The wrath of He who requires no rest or sleep The awakening of the ones who no longer wish to be sheep Challenging the false gods of democracy Exposing the double standards of their autocracy Taking back the reigns of power To establish before the coming of the hour Justice and tranquillity long forgotten In a time where blood is worth less than cotton Indeed the day is near That Rumsfeld and Blair fear The return of the shield That will yield A new age for humanity Thus returning us back to sanity 26th April 2005