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Poem: Somalia Land of Islam

The following is a poem by a brother.

Somalia Land of Islam
People of strong iman
Somalia graveyard of the crusaders
Who never learn from their past mistakes

They came in 93
To bring peace, justice and democracy
And were despatched in pieces
After they were exposed for their hypocrisy
Uranium and other resources was the motive

Now they are using proxies
Ethiopians and So called Somali’s
Puppets and traitors
Slaves once more
Like before
This time paid
To raid their own kind
No dignity or honour

US is clever
Bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan
No more land invasions
Maybe they learnt their lesson
Not to mess with Muslims

Divide and conquer
Weaken and annihilate
Back to their old ways
Old tactics renewed
While the Muslims continue to
Fight with small arms
Hitting and running
And blowing up using their own bodies

US aware
Full of fear
Refusing to land troops
Coz they remember Black Hawk down

Mujahideen say
Crusaders welcome
To the land of glory and Islam
People full of dignity and Taqwa
Islam reached here before Medina

Ready to die in Jihad
Than submit and be humiliated
Motivated and ready

My dear Somali brothers
Forget the divisions of tribalism
Tool of jahaliyah and shaytan
West’s biggest weapon
More powerful than a nuclear bomb
More Somalis died
And many widows and orphans cried
Coz of tribalism

Leave this evil
And unite as brothers
Inter-marry and kill it for good
Unite and repel the occupation
Otherwise u will be enslaved forever

Instead of walking
U will be kneeling
And bowing
To the US and its allies

Horn of Africa
Land of Islam
Able to inspire the ummah
And put fear in the hearts of the enemy

Your ancestors were mujihideen
Proud and noble
Live up to their glories
Against invaders like the Italians
Don’t collaborate or condemn your brothers
Islam brought order
While kufr and tribalism brings disorder

You’ve seen it in the past
Don’t make the same mistake twice
May Allah help u and give u the victory
Establish Islamic rule in state and society.

Showkat Ali

The following is the Somali translation of the poem:

Waa Gobay Loo Tirshay Somalida Waxaana Tirshay Walalkeen

Showkat OO Ah Muslim

Somalia Dhulkii Islamka

Ummad Imankoodu Xoogan Yahay

Somalia Qabriyadi Kuwa Weerara Musliminta

Anan Waxba Ka Baran Qaladadki Hoore

Waxay Yimadeen 93

Sii ay U keenan Nabad, Cadalad iyo Dimoqradiyad

Lakin wala kala Firdhiyay markay soo baxday U jeedadoodi sii ay ulla baxan Macdanta iyo Qayradka Dhulka

Hada waxay Ku soo Hosdhumanayaan Itoobiyaan iyo ku woo lagu magacabo lahaystayaal iyo Is'iibshe

Adoon markale sii'dii hoore

markan waxaa la IIb'shay sidii ay U qaban lahayeen Dadkooda

Ma'laha Karti iyo Qadariin Ee

US waa Qatar

Waxaa Lagu Jabshay Iraq Iyo Afghanistan

Dhuldanbe La weerari Mayo

Waxaa laga Yaaba In Cashar La baray sii'ay Ugu qaldamiin Musliminta

Qaybi OO Qabso

Tabar'tir Oo Cidhibtir

waxay kunoqdeen sidoodi hore

Farsamodi hore Oo la'soo cusbooneysiyay

Inta ay Musliminta ay wadan Dagalka ay Kudagalamayan Hub yar'yar

Ku dhufo, Carar iyo Qarax ay istic'malayaan Nafsadooda

US way Ka Tigantahay

Waxa Ku Dhan Cabsi

Way Diidan Yihin In aay Cii'dan Dhigaan Dhulka

Sababto ah way xasuustan

Black Hawk down

Mujahidiintu waxay Yidhahdeen

Kuwa Muslimka Ku Duulow Kalaya Dhulka Islamka Ee Sheegan

Ummad Kabuuxdo Karti iyo Taqwa

Sababto ah Diinta Islamku Waxay Timid halkan inta aysan Gadhin Madina

Waa U diyaar in aay Ku Dhintaan Jihaadka

Ka'dib Isxadirshaan Oo Dhibatoodan

Rab'wad iyo Diyaar

Kusocoto Walalaheyga Somaliyeed

Iska Ilaba Kala Qaybinta Qabyalada

Qalabki Jahiliyada iyo Shaydanka

Hubka Ugu Wayn ee Shaiyadiinta

Ka Quwad Wayn Nukliyeer Bamka

Somali Badan Dhimatay

hadana Dumar badani Oo ragoodi wayay iyo Caruur Agoon iyo Rajay ahina Oo'yeen sababto ah Qabyalada

Iska Daya Waxan Xun Oo Iskashada si'dii walalo Ur kasoo wada Baxay halmar U dhameeya Israaca Oo wada Jir Uga Hortaga Gumeestayasha

Hadi Kale Waligiin Wala Idin Gumeeysan

Intaad Socon La Haydeen Waad Gurguuran Oo U sajuudi US iyo Xulufadeeda

Geeska Africa Dhulkii Islamka

Horkici Karta Ummada Kuna Abuuri Karta Baqdiin Qalbiyada Cadowga

Abayashiin waxay Ahayeen Mujahidiin

Isku'kalsoonan iyo Laandheeri

waxay Ku Noolayeen Sharaf Iyo Qadarin

La Dagalameen Dulaanki Italiyaan Ee

Haka Garab Shaqayn Adoo Ka soo horjeeda hana Eeden Walalaha

Islamku Waxuu Keenay Kala Danbeen Meesha Kufrigu iyo Qabyaladu Keentay Qas'E

Horay Ayaad U aragteen

Ha Ku Celi'nin Qaladki Markale

Illahay Ha'idin Cawiyo Hana Idin Siiyo Guul Aad Ku Dhistaan Xukun Islami Ah Ameen.

Author: Showkat Ali

Translated By: Cabdifataax Suleiman Musse


Anonymous said…
As salaamu alaykum brother abu Ismael

Your blog has to be appreciated for its character of inclusiveness of all
the ummah. Little ones as well as big ones. The headliners as well as last

Jazaka Allahu wa ahlaka,
Rizwan said…

My question is that is Somalia dar-ul-islam i.e. an islamic state? and what is the Mali and Chad? are they also islamic states or dar-ul-islam? If not, then what is missing in them that would have make them dar-ul-islam or islamic states?


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