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Showing posts with the label Yusuf Shaqeero

Members of groups being forbidden by their leadership to listen to others?

The following is the translation of an Arabic article. An examination of the issue of listening The need to examine the issue of listening has arisen because it has become known that some of the groups have distributed general instructions to their members not to discuss with certain people or to not discuss specific topics with the people etc. Is this action of theirs Halaal or Haraam? The correct view is that this action of there is Haraam and cannot possibly be permissible under any circumstances. That is because in respect to every Shar’iy obligatory matter, its obligation is established only by the Daleel Ash-Shar’iy, except for listening because its obligation is established by the ‘Aql (mind) and the Shar’a. That is because if listening was not an obligation by the ‘Aql (mind or rationally), then the one who is called to Islaam and rejects or refuses to listen will meet Allah without sin. That is not correct and theoretically, in the least, that would make the messag

The spread of Islam by the sword

  The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The least that can be said regarding the statement that Islam was spread at the point of the sword is that it is a statement that holds no credibility, which the enemies of Islam have attempted to pass off to non-thinking Muslims. That is in the case where they claim that the objective of the fighting is to make the people enter Islam by way of force, even though the falseness of this view is as clear as the sun. That is because the Islam (i.e. entry into it) which Islam has demanded, is the Islam which the person embraces by way of complete conviction and wilful consent. As such, there is no worth or value in the presence of something called Islam (i.e. belief in it), unless it came via complete conviction. The fact that it is not Islaam (i.e. belief in it) unless it occurs via complete conviction, means that the matter of fighting for the purpose of making the people embrace Islam, represents an impossible matter. That is b

An examination of the miraculous quality or inimitability of the Qur’aan

The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The miraculous matter is that matter which breaks or exceeds the norm or what is usual in any time and place. The new invention breaks the norm however it is caught up with by something similar to it or better than it and as such is not considered to be miraculous. Therefore, for the matter to be miraculous or inimitable, it is necessary that the people be incapable of reproducing the like of it in every time and place. This is a matter which is not realised in anything present or existing within all that exists, except in the Qur’aan which Allah Ta’Aalaa revealed upon our Sayyid Muhammad ﷺ . Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla has made it the eternal proof of the Muslims to establish the correctness or validity of their Deen and to prove that it is from Allah alone and not the production of any human being. The people’s realisation of the existence of Allah is a matter which is possible by way of the ‘Aql (mind). However, the people ca