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The Fir'aun Personality

"Today, we live in a world ruled and inhabited by many Fir'auns, and we are the only inheritors of Islam. They are trying very hard to keep people from thinking rationally, and to keep us from taking over public opinion. Thus, we must learn from the examples given to us in the Qur'an, and know that there is no one to take this message to the world but us. We should expect these allies of Fir'aun to follow the footsteps of their master and work to prevent us, and we should also know that our victory is a promise, same as it was promised to Musa (Alayhi Salam) and to the last Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi Wasallam)." The actions of Fir'aun are not restricted to one time, place or era, or to one person or tribe. Rather it is a pattern of thinking that exists in many Kuffar and followers of Shaytan. Even some Muslims unknowingly use it. The Fir'aun personality is distinct and clearly visible to those who study it. Some people have a small number of its...

The Infrastructure of the Islamic State by Imam Kalkashandi

By Imam Kalkashandi (died 820AH) The Islamic history reflects much of the prosperity enjoyed by the Citizens of the Islamic State. The following extract highlights many examples from the past in order to highlight the supremacy of the Islamic infrastructure. Imam Al-Kalkashandi wrote about the infrastructure of the Islamic state in his book "Reflecting On The Supremacy Of The Infrastructure Of the Islamic State" which is in three volumes and discusses the Khilafah up until the 7th and 8th century hijri. The following article contains extracts from his book: "From the beginning of the Khilafah the Khaleefahs matched the way of life of Rasoul Allah. We can describe their lifestyle as difficult and close to the people. They were never arrogant despite Allah (swt) giving them much power. The khulafah thereafter continued but in time acquired much wealth and power. They had great a reputation from the non-Muslims who would say of them the although they were...

Shootings in the US, Crime & Islam’s solution to it

The following is the transcript of a circle I delivered recently. It is in bullet point form so may have grammatical errors. وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ (1) وَطُورِ سِينِينَ (2) وَهَذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ (3) لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ (4) ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ Allah (swt) says: “By the fig, and the olive. By Mount Sinai. By this city of security. We created man of the best stature. Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low” These verses highlight to us how Allah (swt) has created us in the best form but has reduced us to the lowest of the low when he abandon him and his deen. One such example of how some amongst mankind have become the lowest of the low is the example of crime such as the recent Virginia Tech massacre in America that occured Monday, April 16, 2007 on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. I want to discuss the reality of what happened, whether it was an ...

Part 2 - Arabic translation of Khilafah & Indian Subcontinent article

The 2nd part of the arabic translation of the article The Khilafah and the Indian Subcontinent been published in Al-Waie Arabic Magazine, it is available on: الخلافة وشبه القارة الهندية (2 إن من يقرأ كيف تفاعلت الهند وعلماؤها مع أحداث إلغاء الخلافة ليأخذه الإكبار على فهمهم العميق والمشرق لأهمية الخلافة في حياة المسلمين، ولوعيهم الكامل لدورها في جمع المسلمين وتحقيق أهداف الإسلام، ولمدى خطورة هذا الحدث عليهم، ويلفته كذلك موقفهم من تلك اليد المجرمة التي طعنت الأمة الإسلامية في قلبها «الخلافة»، تلك اليد التي هي بريطانيا التي سخرت أيدي الخونة من أبناء المسلمين الذين غمسوا أيديهم في دماء إخوانهم... والجزء الثاني من هذه المقالة يكشف المواقف الصادقة والمخلصة لبعض علماء الهند الذين مضوا لأمر ربهم لتبقى آثارهم تدل عليهم، وتنقل لوعتهم بكلمات صادقات مازالت حتى اليوم تشهد الوقائع بصدقها وإخلاصها ووعيها... وكفى بالله شهيداً. ________________________________________________________ حركة الخلافة بدأ في سبتمبر 1919م مولانا محمد علي وأخوه شوك...