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Video: Islam: A Threat or Mercy? By Sheikh Abu Talha Malkawi

In his inimitable style international Islamic activist and speaker Abu Talha sheds light on how Islam and the Islamic System are a mercy for all and not a threat. He uses graphs and statistics to demonstrate the failures of the current system of capitalism and exhorts the Muslims to work to revive the Islamic system which provides clear solutions to the problems faced by the world and also has a track record of 1300 years of implementation which not only brought scientific progress to the world but also justice, peace and security for all its citizens Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. He strongly believes that the future is for Islam and that the current uprisings in the Muslim world will eventually lead to the re-establishment of the Islamic state in the Muslim lands. This speech is from Khilafah Conference 2012 (USA) -  Revolution: Liberation by Revelation,  Muslims Marching Toward Victory by  Hizb ut-Tahrir America

The Secret to the Victory of the Muslims

The Secret to the Victory of the Muslims over The Byzantine Forces… Heraclius lost his brother Theodorus in the decisive battle of Yarmuk (634-636) [1]  and Ibn Kathir (Allah have mercy on him) recounts the interrogation of Heraclius when he retreated to Antioch after the defeat: وروى أحمد بن مروان المالكي في “المجالسة” ثنا أبو إسماعيل الترمذي، ثنا معاوية بن عمرو، عن أبي إسحاق: كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يثبت لهم العدو فواق ناقة عند اللقاء .  فقال هرقل وهو على أنطاكية لما قدمت منهزمة الروم: ويلكم! أخبروني عن هؤلاء القوم الذين يقاتلونكم، أليسوا بشرا مثلكم؟! قالوا: بلى. قال: فأنتم أكثر أم هم؟ قالوا: بل نحن أكثر منهم أضعافا في كل موطن. قال: فما بالكم تنهزمون كما لقيتموهم؟ ! فقال شيخ من عظمائهم: من أجل أنهم يقومون الليل، ويصومون النهار، ويوفون بالعهد، ويأمرون بالمعروف، وينهون عن المنكر، ويتناصفون بينهم، ومن أجل أنا نشرب الخمر ونزني ونركب الحرام وننقض العهد ونغصب ونظلم ونأمر بما يسخط الله، وننهى عما يرضي الله، ونفسد في الأرض . فقال   أنت صدقتني “[......

Impediments to Strengthening the Nafsiyya Part 2 “Ignorance”

Impediments to Strengthening the Islamic Disposition – Part 2: Ignorance One of the impediments to a person building h/her  nafsiyya  and strengthening it is ignorance ( jahl ). Allah mentions in the Qur’an the consequences of failing to attain knowledge and comprehending the reality with the mind: { And they will say: ‘If only we had been listening or reasoning with our minds we would not be amongst the companions of the blaze’ …}. [1] What are the dangers of remaining in ignorance? They include : Ignorance means one is not aware of the commands and prohibitions of Allah and so one would be living dangerously as a result. Ignorance would mean one does not know how to strengthen his  nafsiyya  and be aware of what prevents it from augmenting. Ignorance breeds doubt, misconceptions and uncertainty and these are intellectually unhealthy for the believer. Ignorance is actually a debilitating factor in that is causes a person to be inactive, lazy and letha...

Egypt's farcical presidential election makes a mockery of the sacrifices of the revolution and strengthens America's control over Egypt!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Almost eighteen months after the downfall of Mubarak, America through her loyal agents in the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has effectively scuttled the Egyptian revolution and disarmed the Muslim brotherhood. By doing so, the US has successfully managed to keep the regime intact minus a few missing faces. This is similar to the much coveted Yemeni model, where the West was able to keep Salah's regime in power without him. In the present Egyptian regime, the only outward casualty of any prominence is Mubarak. Set against this background the claims of a Morsi victory in the presidential elections by supporters of the Muslim brotherhood not only sound increasingly hollow but are extremely naïve indeed. Over the past year or so, SCAF a vestige of the Nasserite period has adroitly hoodwinked the Egyptian people and tamed the divided opposition to retain absolute control over Egyptian affairs and continue with America's hegemony in the region...

Q&A: The Difference Between Value and Price? By Sheikh Ata' Abu Rashta

The following is the translation of an Arabic Q&A from the  website of Sheikh Ata' Abu Rashta . Question: What came in the economic system about the value and the price is not clear and in particular the issue of recording the dowry ( mahr ) in terms of value and price. Please explain this in some detail, may Allah bless you? Answer : The value is the amount of benefit present within the commodity, which is fixed at all times and places. So the benefit of a jug is estimated, in itself as an object, by the materials it is made of, its suitability for carrying water, whether for drinking or ablution. These uses are never detached of it today or tomorrow, whether its price increased or declined. If it is estimated by the benefit of another commodity, the benefit of the other commodity should be equal to the benefit of the jug at the moment of estimation. If the value of the jug wa...

Impediments to strengthening the Nafsiyya Part 1 “Desires”

Impediments to Strengthening the Islamic Disposition – Part 1: The Lower Desires One of the impediments to a person building h/her  nafsiyya  and strengthening it is the pull of one’s desires ( ahwa ). Allah makes it a mandatory directive to restrain the lower desires if Paradise is the aim. Allah says: { But as for he who fears standing before his Lord and prevents his desires, the Paradise will definitely be his place …}. [1] What are the dangers of failing to restrain one’s desires? They include : Harmful desires distracts one from prioritising the goals that Allah and His Messenger have set. Harmful desires lead one to seek and want things that are not ultimately beneficial (as defined by Islam) which opens the door to sin and wrongdoing. Harmful desires often take the form of strong sexual desires and if this is left unbridled then it can lead to other wrong actions. Harmful desires are capricious, unstable, erratic and unpredictable. Harmful desires are n...

Slavery and Islam Part 3 – Istirqaq

Slavery Part 3: The Solution regarding  Istirqaq The honourable shaykh and  mujtahid  Imam Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani (d.1977) writes in his masterpiece  al-Shakhsiyya al-Islamiyya  (‘The Islamic Personality’): The ways of taking slaves in the ancient systems were varied and very well known in the world when Islam came. They would take the bankrupt debtor as slaves and if the debtor became poor or bankrupt, he would then be taken as a slave. Those who committed a sin or mistake would also be taken as a slave as a punishment for the crime. Free persons would offer themselves as slaves where they would then sell themselves off to others on the condition of later being manumitted based on an agreed date. Also, stronger tribes would enslave members of weaker tribes and wars and battles would be one general situation in which families were taken as slaves. They would also permit enslaving any person from a particular country when they were conquered. Others woul...