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New book: Jesus: Man – Messenger – Messiah

Nearly two billion Christians and over 1.5 billion Muslims believe in him, yet Jesus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented person in history. This book explores and demystifies Jesus – his life, teachings, personality and mission. It highlights commonalities but also examines differences between Christianity and Islam. This book explains where  and how the Qur’an challenges the traditional Church narrative. In doing so, it presents the reader with a compelling and clear understanding of Jesus and his true message. The book also demonstrates why the Qur’an is the ‘missing link’, that all important ‘bridge’ connecting Judaism and Christianity, uniting all of the Abrahamic faiths. Fully referenced and packed with up-to-date research, yet written in a readable style, this book will change your perspective on Jesus and his message forever!   A Sneak Preview Inside The Book   1. The History of the Trinity: The many different views about Jesus in

Members of groups being forbidden by their leadership to listen to others?

The following is the translation of an Arabic article. An examination of the issue of listening The need to examine the issue of listening has arisen because it has become known that some of the groups have distributed general instructions to their members not to discuss with certain people or to not discuss specific topics with the people etc. Is this action of theirs Halaal or Haraam? The correct view is that this action of there is Haraam and cannot possibly be permissible under any circumstances. That is because in respect to every Shar’iy obligatory matter, its obligation is established only by the Daleel Ash-Shar’iy, except for listening because its obligation is established by the ‘Aql (mind) and the Shar’a. That is because if listening was not an obligation by the ‘Aql (mind or rationally), then the one who is called to Islaam and rejects or refuses to listen will meet Allah without sin. That is not correct and theoretically, in the least, that would make the messag

Q&A: Are the Ahadith about winter authentic?

Question: Are these Prophetic narrations about winter authentic? ‘Winter is the best season for the believer. Its nights are long for him to pray in, and its days are short for him to fast in.’   ‘Fasting in the winter is the easy prize.’ Answer: For the reasons set out below, it doesn’t appear that the cited traditions are judged to be authentic ( Ṣaḥīḥ ). Caution should always be exercised where statements are attributed to the Prophet peace be upon him, but do not carry mention of the narrator ( rāwi ), channel of transmission ( isnād ) or even on occasion, the collection from where it is taken from. Best practice dictates that these details should be mentioned. Where narrations are not authentic, that should also be highlighted, since it will allow the reader to know that it cannot be judged beyond reasonable doubt, as being an authentic statement of the Prophet peace be upon him. Reasoning The first narration is cited in as-Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqy,