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Some quotes from the Ulema of India about Khilafah

Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar, a founder of the Khilafat movement who spent four years in prison between 1911 and 1915 CE for calling for resistance against the British and support for the Uthmani Khilafah said:

"It is difficult to anticipate the exact effects the "abolition" of Khilafah will have on the minds of Muslims in India. I can safely affirm that it will prove a disaster both to Islam and to civilization. The suppression of the time honoured institution which was, though out the Muslim world, regarded as a symbol of Islamic unity will cause the disintegration of Islam...., I fear that the removal of this ideal will drive the unadvanced and semi-civilized peoples..., into ranks of revolution and disorder."[Mohammed Ali Johar, Times, March 04, 1924, a day after Khilafah was abolished in Turkey.]

“The ruler of Turkey was the Khalifah or successor of the Prophet and Amir -ul- Mu’mineen or chief of the believers and the Khilafah is as essentially our religious concern as the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet." [Johar, Mohammed Ali, My Life a Fragment pg.41]

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad wrote a book in 1920 called Masala-e-Khilafat (The Issue of Khilafah), he stated: “Without the Khilafah the existence of Islam is not possible, the Muslims of India with all their effort and power need to work for this.”

In the same book page 176 Maulana Azad said: “There are two types of ahkam shariah, the first is related to the individual like the commands and prohibitions, the fara’id (obligations) and wajibat in order to perfect oneself. The second is not related to the individual but is related to the Ummah, nation, collective obligations and state politics like the conquering of lands, political and economic laws.”

The following are some key points from a declaration made at a conference held for the UIema in India on 5th & 6th April 1920, in which many Ulema and people attended:
• Point 1 of the declaration: The Ulema must work to establish a public opinion for the issue of Khilafah.
• Point 2: The hypocrite (munafiq) scholars and those scholars against this issue must be boycotted.
• Point 7: The Ulema must obtain an oath from their followers that they will exert their lives and hearts by speaking and writing in support of the issue of Khilafah.
• Point 9: Muslims must keep away from the constitutional elections.

The following are some points from the declaration made at the 2nd All India Conference of Jamiat al Ulema Hind, held on 19 & 20th November 1920 in Delhi:
1. The English are the biggest enemy of Islam and the Muslims and to oppose them is Fard.
2. Protecting the Ummah and protecting the Khilafah is a pure Islamic need. If brothers in this country help and cooperate for this issue, many thanks to them for this.


Assalam o Alaikum
i thin this is very good information for the muslims of india. it will also benificial for dayee to convince indian muslims to the work for khilafah.

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