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Oppressive arrest of Scholar in Yemen

The following information was taken from a press release issued on 3rd June 2006 in Arabic by the workers for Khilafah in the Wilayah of Yemen. It is a draft translation of the main points mentioned in it.

Before two weeks and before the feast (of dancing on the wounds of the nation) on the sixteenth anniversary of the Yemeni Unity, the political security apparatus in Hudeida made an abusive arrest for the sheikh and scholar Ibraheem Abdelbari Makbuli Al-Ahdal (58) years old, imam and preacher of Al-Nur Masjid in quarter of Alkal’a Alhamdi street in Hudeida, and the legitimate guardian of Alkal’a quarter, and an employee in the court of first instance in Hudeida.
The security apparatuses were not satisfied by arresting the mad!! It spread the space of its crimes to reach the scholars and preachers, it is afraid that they will disturb the spirit of celebration of the wealthy, and annoy their rich processions, and spoil the pleasure of the corrupt, what kind of a system is this, which has an army, security, news media and money and is afraid from a scholar who could give a speech or distribute a paper about the corruption and the corrupt on earth?!

The political security justified the arrest of the Sheikh to be (precautionary) so as not to attack the system on its celebration day, knowing that the sheikh is a man who says the word of truth and is not afraid to be blamed by anyone, that is why they arrested him!!
The sheikh was arrested on 27.09.2004, and this is the second arrest, he was called several times to the apparatus of intimidation and terrorization!! Without any guilt or any crime and without a legal warrant, those apparatuses violated their constitution which they claim to implement, according to the text of item (48) and items 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 73, 76, and 77 from the law of judicial penalties.

His only guilt is that he calls for Islam and implementing it in all aspects of life, he works to resume the Islamic life and to rule with what Allah has sent by establishing the state of Khilafah, he wages wars against the corrupt and who cause corruption on earth, by ordering goodness and forbidding what is abominable, since when -you best nation sent to people- was calling for Islam a crime, and the call for falsity a good thing, and those who do it are rewarded?!
The authority bragged too much about the call for democracy, multiplicity, and freedoms, the president repeated it in his speeches and that democracy is the choice of the system, and the ship of salvation for it, and that the time of political detention is over… etc, but the truth is quite the opposite of what they claim, arrests, pursuits, muzzling of mouths, silencing tongues, oppressive practices, pursuit of intellectuals, spying provocation of journalists and unjust lawsuits!!

We put the full responsibility on the ruling system, for what Sheikh Ibraheem Al-Ahdal is being exposed to, and for what his health is facing, knowing that he has diabetes, we challenge the system to bring him to court if he committed any crime, we reassure the oppressive apparatuses that these arrests will only make the Shabab of the party more decided to work and sacrifice, in order to uproot corruption and the corrupt from earth, and to rule with Islam, these arrests also will only make the citizens of Yemen -who are poor and hungry- to be more resentful and hateful for the system even more than what they already feel!!

We address the members of the Representative Council and the Sheikhs of Yemen, its scholars and people of intellect and impact in it and the human rights organizations:

To account those oppressive apparatuses for committing these violations of Shari'ah even those of law, and to bring those who hurt people to the court, to get the fair punishment, so that security, stability and content will prevail in Yemen, and we demand to set free the Sheikh and all the oppressed in the prisons of the unjust.

((وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ))

"Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror." [Ibrahim: 42]

03 June 2006 CE
07 Jumada Al-Ula 1427 AH


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