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Isn’t it high time for the rulers to be ashamed for letting Palestine down?!

The following is the draft translation from Arabic of a leaflet issued by the workers for Khilafah in the Muslim world.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Isn’t it high time for the rulers to be ashamed -even once- for letting Palestine down?! Isn’t it high time for the blood in the veins of the armies to boil and make them burst out for championship?!

Oh Muslims:

A Jewish soldier is captured during a fight -he was not kidnapped from his home- and state of Jews turns the world upside down for his sake, and considers him a crucial issue.

Thousands of our prisoners and captives from men, old people, women and children, the violation of our sanctities, the besmirching of our holy places and the disasters which fall upon our heads from Jews day and night, all these are not considered by our rulers as crucial issues, which deserve patronage or even say a word of truth about them, they work as mediators and raise their hands in prayer hoping that the soldier will return safe and sound!

The state of Jews which usurped Palestine, considers itself a state which sponsors the affairs of its individuals, it keeps restless for their sake, the interest of each Jew is the interest of the state, his worry is its worry, that is why the loss of one Jew is a crucial issue for it, all the powers of the state will be stirred to look for him.

As for the states in our countries, they are the states of kings and presidents, if the leader has a headache the state will be restless for his sake, but if the country and people were lost and the head of the president was safe, this is then the obvious victory! The (battles) with Jews are a tangible witness, Palestine and what surrounds it were occupied, and the rulers did not consider that a defeat, as long as the chief leader was not hurt! For them, it is a defeat for Jews for not being able to harm the chief!

Oh Muslims;
Isn’t it high time for these rulers to be ashamed of this vice, which they are committing? To be mediators between Jews and Muslims to rescue a usurper soldier captured during a fight, at the time when they do not even stir to rescue thousands of captives and prisoners from Jews’ hands, not to mention moving to rescue Palestine from Jews’ hands!

Isn’t it high time for the blood in the armies’ veins to boil and move to assist Palestine and its people, and yearn for one of the two good outcomes (victory or martyrdom), instead of (yearning) to salute the (chief) while passing along the rows?!

Won’t these armies remember the crimes of Jews in Palestine and their violation of sanctities and besmirching of holy places?

Won’t these armies remember the good land which was plunged with the blood of the conquerors, not a span of it was left without witnessing the dust of one of the horses of the Mujahid, or the noble blood of a Shaheed?

Won’t these armies remember the conspiracies of these rulers with Jews, and keeping silent about their crimes, and their oppression for the faithful of this nation, then being subjected to the Kafer colonists headed by America, which support Jews with money, weapons and even men, the Kafer colonists feel safe and content because their interests in our countries are kept secure and safe being (guarded) by the rulers.
Hence, isn’t it high time for these rulers to be ashamed -even once- for letting Palestine down?

Oh Muslims:

The proverb says: “A harmful thing may result in benefit”, it is so here, because the incident of the soldier resulted benefit twice:

The first: the struggle among the organizations -which was about to result in real fighting- stopped, the incident of the soldier led to a repose, which we hope will last and not be the repose of the fighter.

The second: which is more important, the incident of the soldier disrupted a press conference between the president and the prime minister, in which they will announce their approval of the Prisoners’ Document which includes the sanctioning of two states in Palestine, one for Jews on the lands of 1948, and the other for the people of Palestine on the lands of 1967, or even parts of the lands of 1967! This is a fatal blow if they only are aware of this.

Palestine does not accept to be divided by two. It is a blessed Islamic land, an important part of the land of Islam, to give up a span of it is a crime, and to bargain with it is treachery, Palestine with all its people is a trust for Muslims;

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا لاَ تَخُونُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ))

“O ye that believe! betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you.” [Al-Anfal: 27]

15 Jumada Al-Thaniya1427 AH
30 June 2006 CE


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