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Letters from Uzbekistan - Part 2

The following is from a series of letters from the Da'wah carriers in Uzbekistan which have been translated.

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe and mankind. His help, victory and most importantly His pleasure be to the Messenger of Allah, his companions, their followers and all the believers from Adam until the last believer on the Day of Judgment. May He the Merciful forgive and grant felicity of the worldly life and hereafter to all the believers.

Assalamu alaykum, our Muslim brothers, sisters, parents and friends. We deliver greetings from all your brothers in Jaslyk! Brothers, verily the prayers of the believers for each other are answered. The Messenger of Allah says in his hadeeth, “A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts enforce each other.”

That is why we decided to inform you of the current situation in here, so that believers shall realise the great crimes that take place here, UYA-64/71 Jaslyk colony, which is done by kufr - i.e. by the Kaafir Karimov and his tyrant executioners, particularly the chief of colony Qulimbetov - the cruellest tortures and torments. We hope this will help the believers to see the injustice, that they will have a just hatred and immunity against the plots they lay and be steadfast in the Deen and the da’wah. So that on the Day of Judgment we will not be those who escape each other, on the contrary, we will enjoy happy lives in the Paradise promised by Allah.
Brothers, nowadays the barbarous tortures in this torment facility of the Kaafir, Karimov, are at their highest point, the chief of the colony Qulimbetov has brought from his previous place of work Qorovul-Bozor prison of Bukhara several criminals, who have already served long-term
(15-20 years) prison terms. He cruelly oppresses and harshly persecutes our brothers by their and other operative officers’ means. All firm-footed brothers, who reject asking for the president’s pardon, fulfill their prayers, refuse to sing - as contrary to our faith - the anthem as well as other brothers are battered and beaten for no reason. It has been over one month since our brothers from Tashkent, Zufarov Nu’man, Muzaffar, Husniddeen and Jamoliddeen were held and tortured in damp basement cells. Cell No. 15 was transformed into a torture room, where the giant hypocrite Yoldosh Beruniy from Khorezm, together with other prisoners named Anvar and Edik from one side, on the other side the new-comers from Qorovul-bozor named Ravil, Farkhod and Isroil ‘the Toothy’ continuously torment our brothers with the purpose of making them ask for president’s pardon, sing an anthem, not perform a prayer and so on. Qulimbetov has given them all necessary authority. Today is August 5th, within the last 20-25 days, our brother Bahrom from Ferghana was beaten unconscious by Edik and left in such a state for over one hour.

Our brothers from Tashkent, Saidazim, Jamoliddeen and Fitrat, and Rasul from Margilan, were cruelly beaten in cell No. 15; Jamoliddeen’s shoulder bone was fractured. Additionally, the local officers also take their share in torturing our brothers. Today, August 6th, tyrant Anvar, Yoldosh and Edik were allowed by disorder prevention department (DPD) officers to lock our brothers Zufarov Nu’man, Husniddeen and Muzaffar in separate basement cells and severely batter them. The battery of other brothers caught praying also continues. Our fellow Oybek was locked into special cell (called BUR) for one month. The DPD personnel has in advance warned firm-footed brothers Yusupov Maqsudali, Madyarov Akmal, Tojiboev Ergashali and Mirzakarimov Ravshan from Ferghana, Salohiddeenov Samariddeen from Tashkent, Guzarov Shavkat from Qashqadaryo and others about the punishment awaiting them. Who of us may go to that torture room tomorrow? May Allah protect us from this. It is believed that this method of torturing is know-how invented by Qulimbetov and the deputy minister of Justice Shodiev. Allah knows best. Our fellow Bahrom from Ferghana has written a letter to Qulimbetov, where he warns the latter, «Stop these tortures, otherwise several of your executioners shall die or some of us shall become martyrs». Despite this, the persecution gets harsher. Of course, these are the tests from our Lord. We shall be patient. However, Allah says in His book, “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)” We, your oppressed brothers in Jaslyk, are saying goodbye to you until our Lord gathers us all with His help, victory, felicity and, most importantly, in His paradise (hopefully) Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi va barakatuhu.

PS. Today, August 7th, some additional information has surfaced. Yesterday late at night our brothers locked in the basement had hot water poured over them and early in the morning they were taken to nursery. Among them was Zufarov Nu’man.

August 7th, 2002


Anonymous said…
Mohammad Sameoun Basir Khan,
A brother from Bangladesh.
Islam is coming very soon,insallah.Allah is always with those who know how to be patient, and pray for help from Allah,how much the kuffar plans they can never be successful coz Allah never give victory to the kuffar over mumeen."They plans Allah plans, Allah is the best planner".

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