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Programme schedule for International Khilafah Conference 2007

A brother sent me the following schedule for the upcoming International Khilafah Conference 2007 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

It will be held on 12th August 2007, corresponding to 28th Rajab 1428 which is the Hijri date of the destruction of the Khilafah. Over one hundred thousand people are expected to attend, it is being held in HGelora Bung Karno Stadium. We should all support and publicise this conference, May Allah (swt) grant it success.

Programme Schedule

07.00-07.30: Preparation of the Committee, by Chairman of Organizing Committee

07.30-08.30: Registration, by Secretariat

08.30-08.35: Opening, by Hari Mukti and Adi Maretnas

08.35-08-45: Reading of Holy Al-Qur’an, by Ustadz Lukman Hakim

08.45-09.00: Welcome Greetings, by H.M Ismail Yusanto (Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia)

09.00-09.40: Warming Up: Beduk Parade and Poem Reading, by Wahyudi and Taufik Ismail

09.10-09.40: Testimony I:
*KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar (Pondok Pesantren Darut Tauhid Bandung)
*Prof. Dr. H.M. Amien Rais, MA (Ex. Chairman of MPR RI - People’s Consultative Assembly of Republic of Indonesia)
*KH. Ma’ruf Amin (Chairman of MUI-Indonesian Ulemas Council)
*DR. H. Adyaksa Dault, SH., M.Si (State Minister of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia)

09.40-09.50: Bridging I, by SAR Team Hidayatullah and MC

09.50-10.10: Testimony 2:
*KH. Hasyim Muzadi (Chairman of NU Central Board)^
*Prof. Dr. Din Syamsudin, MA (Chairman Muhammadiyah Central Board)
*KH. Zainudin MZ
*Ustadz Habib Rizieq Shihab (Chairman of FPI-Front Islamic Defender)
*Ustadz Abu Bakar Baasyir (The Emir of MMI-Indonesia Mujahidin Council)

10.10-10.15: Bridging II, by MC

10.15-10.55: Conference I:
*Dr. Imran Waheed (United Kingdom)
*Syeikh Ismail Al Wah-Wah (Australia)
*Syeikh Issam Amira (Palestine)

10.55-11.10: Nasyid SNADA

11.10-11.50: Conference 2:
*Syeikh Utsman Abu Khalil (Sudan)
*Dr. Salim Frederick (United Kingdom)
*Prof. DR. Hassan Ko Nakata (Japan)
*Drs. Hafidz Abdurrahman, MA (Chairman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia)

11.50-12.10: Theatrical Stage, by Theatrical Stage Team

12.10-12.20: Reflection, by Jamil az-Zaini

12.20-12.30: Praying and Closing, by Ust.adz H.M Arifin Ilham (Chairman of Adz-Dzikra)

^In Confirmation

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Office:
Anakida Building 7th floor Suite 202,
Prof. Soepomo Street 27 Tebet, South Jakarta District, JAKARTA
Phones: 62-21-8500440, 71220254, 8305848
Fax : 62-21-8500440, 8312111
Email :
Contact Person : Fanani (62-815-8366436 / 62-21-70031924)


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