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Multiple demonstrations in Pakistan for Khilafah

The following are links to descriptions and pictures of multiple recent demonstrations throughout Pakistan calling for the return of the Khilafah:

Demonstration by students against emergency (Islamabad)

Students from different universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi organized a protest today (16 November, 2007) at Education Chowk, H-8 Islamabad against the imposition of Emergency rule in the country. The students rejected the current democratic system and dictatorship both and demanded a new system. The participants also wanted the new solution to be from Islam. Hundreds of students from different universities and colleges gathered at the venue and chanted slogans against General Musharaf’s Emergency Rule and in favour of the Islamic System of governance.

They held banners and placards, demanding a change of leadership and a change of system. The banner read "No to Musharaf, No to Emergency Yes to Islam, Yes to Islamic System". The participants were holding placards saying “Talaba ka peygham, Islami nizaam”, “Islam ko laao, Musharraf ko hataao”, “The solution lies in Islam”, “We reject current democratic structure and capitalism”, “Ummah calls for Islam”, etc. The protest was organized by volunteers from different universities and was a culminating event for a Petition Signing campaign, which was aggressively carried out in different universities and colleges of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The petition, which was signed by thousands of students, rejected the imposition of emergency rule, by General Musharaf and the agenda which his government has been presenting to the masses. The Petition also rejected the political leadership, both opposition and ruling as incompetent and corrupt and demanded that not change of faces but change of system should take place. The Draft of the petition is as follows:

We the students of Islamabad and Rawalpindi unanimously reject the imposition f Emergency rule by President General Pervez Musharaf.
We also reject the agenda presented by President General Pervez Musharaf, his cronies and the political leadership of Pakistan, may it be ruling or in opposition.
We are fed up with the present corrupt and incompetent leadership.
We are fed up with the current system.
We neither want current democratic structure nor dictatorship; we rather want a new system, where a change of policies takes places and not just the change of faces.
We reject the demonizing of Islam by the government under the pretext of extremism.
We believe that the solution to the problems which Pakistan faces today lies in Islam.
We want a new system which should be the Islamic System of governance.


Demo near Lal Haveli (Rawalpindi) titled "Uproot Musharraf, Bring Back Khilafat"

Near Lal Haveli, Hizb ut-Tahrir (Wilayah Pakistan) held a demonstration titled "Uproot Musharraf, Bring Back Khilafat". The protest is held in the wake of the emergency declared in Pakistan by Musharraf and in this volatile political situation, Hizb ut-Tahrir is calling the people of power to rise up and overthrow Musharraf and to support in establishing the Khilafah which is what the Ummah is yearning for. The speaker said that the Ummah now does neither need dictatorship nor democracy but a third alternative system that is sent by Allah (swt) and which was implemented by Rasoolullah (SAW) and the Khulafaa Rashideen after him. The whole protest went peacefully (as seen in the videos) and at the end, the protesters dispersed peacefully.


Anti-Musharraf Demonstration in Saddar (Karachi)

A demonstration was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan rejecting Musharraf's toeing to American policies. Shehzad Sheikh, the Deputy Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan, addressed the demonstration saying that Musharraf has put 90,000 Pakistani troops on the Pak-Afghan border in order to help America stabilize its occupation of Afghanistan. This demonstration was one among the series of Anti-Musharraf demonstrations held all over Pakistan by Hizb ut-Tahrir.


Demonstration in Katarian Market (Rawalpindi)

A demonstration was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan in Katarian Market, Rawalpindi. The demo was a part of series of demonstrations being held these days against the despotic dictator Musharraf and in favour of the establishment of Khilafat in Pakistan. Hizb ut-Tahrir is rallying the Ummah against the two man-made systems, Dictatorship and Democracy, and to bring back the Khilafat that was implemented by Rasoolullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and the Khulafaa Rashideen after him and the later Khulafaa after them till 1924 CE.


Demonstration in I-9 (Islamabad)

A demonstration was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan in I-9, Islamabad. The demo was a part of series of demonstrations being held these days against the despotic dictator Musharraf and in favour of the establishment of Khilafat in Pakistan. Hizb ut-Tahrir is rallying the Ummah against the two man-made systems, Dictatorship and Democracy, and to bring back the Khilafat that was implemented by Rasoolullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and the Khulafaa Rashideen after him and the later Khulafaa after them till 1924 CE.


Demonstration near Karachi Co. (Islamabad)

A demonstration was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan in G-9, Islamabad (near Karachi Co.). The demo was a part of series of demonstrations being held these days against the despotic dictator Musharraf and in favour of the establishment of Khilafat in Pakistan. Hizb ut-Tahrir is rallying the Ummah against the two man-made systems, Dictatorship and Democracy, and to bring back the Khilafat that was implemented by Rasoolullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and the Khulafaa Rashideen after him and the later Khulafaa after them till 1924 CE.


Demonstration in Abdullah Market (Rawalpindi)

Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan held a demonstration in Abdullah Market, Rawalpindi urging people to work for Khilafah. The speaker stressed to the people that Musharraf's rule has put Pakistan in the severest of disaster to the point of almost no return and the only way people of Pakistan can find relief is by bringing back the system of Rasoolullah (sallaho alaihe wasallam) i.e. Khilafat. Only Khilafat will solve comprehensively all the problems that the Ummah is facing today due to dictatorship as well as democracy which are both systems that implement "man's will". The difference in both is that in dictatorship only "One Man's will" is implemented whereas in democracy "342 men's will" is implemented. Only the system which implements "Allah's will" can take the humanity out of the whirlwind which the world faces and this system is the system of Khilafat. The demonstration ended peacefully with dua.


Rally from "Dawn" to "Nawai Waqt" (Islamabad)

Hizb u-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan held a rally outside newspapers' offices in Islamabad demonstrating against the biting rule of Musharraf. The rally started from the office of the daily newspaper "Dawn" and ended at the office of Urdu newspaper "Nawai Waqt". The participants of the rally chanted slogans "Khilafat ko lao, Musharraf ko hataao" (Establish Khilafah, Uproot Musharraf) and "Hizb ut-Tahrir ka peygham, Khilafat ka nizaam" (Hizb ut-Tahrir's message, the system of Khilafah). At the end of rally outside Nawai Waqt's office, the participants made dua that Allah (swt) give them victory in bringing back Khilafah and uprooting Mushrraf so that the plight of the Ummah may end.


Demonstration in Qissa Khani Bazar (Peshawar)

A demonstration was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan outside the famous Qasim Ali Khan mosque in Qissa Khani Bazar, Peshawar. It stressed that the deal between Musharraf and Benazir has been sponsored by America and Britain and it's objective is to prolong the colonialist control over Pakistan through one system or the other. That is, dictatorship and democracy are both used as tools by the colonialist powers to further thier agenda throughout the world and the same is being done with Pakistan. The problems faced by Pakistan have remained whether democracy or dictatorship ruled Pakistan. So the only way the people of Pakistan can get out of this ditch is to establish the system of Khilafat and uproot both dictatorship and democracy.



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