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Letters from Uzbekistan - Part 3

The following is from a series of letters from the Da'wah carriers in Uzbekistan which have been translated. Please also read: Karimov's brutality will only strengthen the believers

On June 15, 2002 the head of operative unit of UYA-64/71 Jaslyk colony, major of NSS Qollekmiev Alisher prepared 6 cells in the basement of the building - narrow, damp, dark, airless cells designated for two prisoners each - to perform the most of brutal tortures. Colonel Saidhosilov Sodiq, a person in charge of this colony, mentioned this place in his speech before prisoners on November of 2000 and said, “Now please forget about that basement, it was erroneously constructed, do not mention it before commissions, it is not fit to even keep dogs, let alone people.” The reason of preparing it for the second time is to keep those who reject to sing the anthem of Uzbekistan and refuse to obey the first required item. This item consists of the following words, “Assalamu alaykum, dear chief. We love the Uzbek people and the president of Uzbekistan with our heart. We beg pardon of the people of Uzbekistan and the president of Uzbekistan for illegal crimes we have committed. We thank our chiefs, they feed us well, our health is fine and we have no complaints. Uzbekistan is my motherland, loving motherland is from faith. I deeply love Uzbekistan.”

On June 19th 2002, the prisoners from 2nd sector 21st brigade, Alimov Husniddeen, Ilyosov Shoaziz, Nurmatov Abdushukur and Khaydarov Adhamjon were selectively, without any evidence, simply by the order of colony chief colonel Qulimbetov, placed in those cells. One day earlier, on June 18th, Mannopov Zokir from the same 21st brigade was locked in isolation ward (carcer) for 15 days for cursing (Karimov) the Kaafir. 5 days later - after a phone call by Shodiev - 2 prisoners were returned to their cells. During these days one of the above 3 prisoners was cruelly beaten by several people, some of whom were drunk. Other two fellows shouted “Allahu Akbar” to stop them from beating. Later all three Muslims were put in carcers. However, after 4-5 days passed, they were released, except Karimov Jamoliddeen. While they were kept there, regardless of the conditions of the cells being narrow, damp, cold and with heavy air, the colony personnel would regularly pour water there to get the Muslims sick. On July 4th Avazov Muzaffar and on the 6th Zufarov Nu’mon were locked into basement cells by “lokhmach” prisoners (non-Muslim, physically strong criminals, used as a tool in torturing other prisoners) This was a proof of the medical assistant’s words, who said, “If I were Karimov, I would carry out medical tests on you instead of rats and frogs.” On August 2nd, Karimov Jamoliddeen was released from the basement cell and locked together with cell No. 15 lokhmachs, namely Abdullaev Anvar and Ruziev Yoldosh, who battered him until whole his face got swollen and shoulder bone fractured. During all this time the personnel of the colony watched the torture and to prevent others from hearing the cries they turned the music up very loud. Later on, Jamoliddeen was brought to one of the higher level cells, then placed in the medical department.

On August 6th fellow Muslims saw Avazov Muzaffar, Zufarov Nu’mon and Alimov Husniddeen at around 10 o’clock in the morning, when they were on the walk at the courtyard. They were well. A fellow Muslim, who worked that day at the basement says, that at around 12:15 or 12:30 these brothers were cruelly tortured and he heard constant cries.

The lokhmach prisoners who took part in this, are Abdullaev Anvar, Ruziev Yoldosh, Boboev Akmal, Ivanchenko Eduard, Asanov Farkhod, Jumaev Ravil and Ismatullaev Isroil. All of them, who have previously been sentenced at least 3 times, were brought from UYA-64/25 Qorovul-bozor penitentiary. Also, other prisoners, namely Jumageldiev Norbek and Qosimov Madamin took part in this. That day, the DPNC (Assistant chief of colony on duty) was Nurumbetov Quvonch, executive officer lieutenant Khojaniyozov Soatboy, basement controller Elemanov, executive for cells sergeant Omongasov. The head of detachment (otryadnik) Jayillhonov and lieutenant Jumaniyozov A. participated in this torture as well.

Fellow Muslims, who that day worked at the basement, were witnesses to this torture, which lasted for more than two hours. At around 15:30 Khojaniyozov S. sent them off. They saw how balanders (food distributors) brought down four 5-litre pots with hot water, at the entrance Qosimov Madamin would take the pots from them and carry them inside. The torture lasted 4-5 hours without any break. Fellow brothers, who were in cells just above those basement cells, could hear the voices coming out of the hole in the floor. After 3-4 hours of torture, brothers who were above the cell where Alimov Husniddeen was being tortured heard him shouting, “It is enough, you are crossing the limit.” When they said, “Will you say it or not?” he said, “All right, I will say, but you stop this first.” Then Husniddeen shouted, “May Allah curse the president of Uzbekistan Kaafir Karimov!” After which everything calmed down. After a while brothers above could smell the sharp odour of ammoniac. The tortures lasted for 4-5 hours uninterrupted and consisted of cruel battery and burning with hot water. It is definite that they used 20-25 litres of hot water. Lieutenant Khojaniyozov S. headed all these cruelties. The chief of UYA-64/71 Qulimbetov had frequently called by phone to stay informed about the process. Concerning the post-torture conditions of these three brothers, we could judge according to what the balander said during dinner. He said they were in a really bad state and could not even eat their food. Ruziev Yoldosh was sitting in Alimov’s cell, in Zufarov’s - Boboev Kamol, and in Avazov’s - Ivanchenko Eduard and Abdullaev Anvar. Om the night of August 7th, at 4 a.m., Alimov Husniddeen became shaheed. Next day, on August 7th, they were hurriedly dispatched to Nukus to be sent on to Sangorod (Medical prison) together with other prisoners. There were 7 more fellow Muslims. According to what they have told us, their car got a flat tyre and stayed for several hours under direct sunlight, until another car came up. Only when several of them fell unconscious, were they allowed to get out of the cell car. When another car arrived, Zufarov Nu’man, who could not get out of the car, told them that Avazov Muzaffar had become shaheed. He was placed in another car and taken away. As for Zufarov N., he hardly made it to Nukus. After these incidents, some cells in the basement were treated with some chemicals, others filled with different things with the purpose of hiding their true use and presenting them as storerooms. These tortures and the like were carried out against those Muslims who were steadfast, who did not ask for the Kaafir’s pardon, may Allah curse him, did not sing the anthem and were firm-footed in their prayer. Particularly in early 2002, Khikmatov Husniddeen was barbarously tortured by Khojaniyozov S. and Pirnazarov A. for several hours, after which he was delivered to Sangorod in a very dramatic condition. At Sangorod, the medical staff could see he had several days left, so they wrote him off by a special act. Within several days after his release, he joined the shaheeds. One of the most cruel staff members in the colony, who has personal enmity to Muslims, is deputy chief of law enforcement unit Otajonov Karim.

N.B. Lokhmachs are prisoners ready to perform whatever is ordered by the administration of the colony. There are two lokhmach cells in the colony - No. 15 and No. 58.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Brothers locked in the basement cells - Avazov Muzaffar, Zufarov Nu’man, Alimov Husniddeen and Karimov Jamoliddeen – wrote a letter to Shodiev and Erkin Khalilov stating, “You have exchanged your Deen and the Muslims for the Kaafir’s rewards.” Junior lieutenant Ubaydullev S. told them the letter had been sent to the addressees. The head of operative unit Soatboy called up Avazov Muzaffar and asked him, “What do you think of me?” Muzaffar replied, “You are an executioner. You together with your assistant Pirimbetov A. beat my brother Khikmatov Husniddeen to death. I am the witness of your crime, because at that time I was locked up with him in the carcer.” It was Muzaffar who told visiting guests - the Karakalpakstan prosecutor and mufti - that the Kaafir was persecuting Muslims, that prayer was prohibited here and that Muslims performing their prayers were being tortured. After that the prosecutor said he would start terror of 1999. Colony chief Qulimbetov said, “I will kill you by slow execution, so that nobody could prove the killing.” Another time he said, “If you still want to live, ask for the president’s pardon. There are a couple of zealots among you, but very soon I will send them off to another place.” Maybe then he meant killing them. Recently Qulimbetov had brought several recidivist felons from UYA-64/25 Qorovul-bozor colony and appointed the most trusted ones, ready to execute all his orders, as members of DPD. They are Asanov Farkhod, Ismatullaev Isroil and Jumaev Ravil. They deem themselves as militia of the Kaafir and the tool in the hands of the colony chief. They can contact him via phone anytime they wish. DPD, in turn, had found the worst lokhmachs (tyrant butchers) among the prisoners of Jaslyk, namely Ruziev Yoldosh and Abdullaev Anvar from cell No. 15 and Ivanchenko Eduard and Boboev Kamol from cell No. 58. Our steadfast brothers are tortured by them, whereas the colony personnel pay no heed to the cries and screams. The administration scoffs at the complaints filed by the Muslims, moreover, they threaten others with them (i.e. such tortures) On July 29th, Qulimbetov received a letter, written by our brothers Khakimov Sherzod and Mirzakarimov Bahrom, in which they stated, “If you don’t stop this game, some of them or us shall die” and gave it to the lokhmachs. The head of DPD, Asanov Farkhod, replied, “Use this letter as toilet paper” and ordered lokhmachs Edik and Kamol to beat them up. Bahrom, who defended himself with a metal bar, was later locked into a carcer. As for cell No. 15, Saidmurodov S. was barbarously tortured there.

In late June 6-7th, graduates of military school came to colony for internship. However, we think they are NSS officers, who came to execute the plans of the Kaafir, i.e. they came to impose control or later accuse the locals in crimes committed. On August 6th at around 15:00, approximately 30 members of the colony administration visited the basement. Later, at around 17:00, lokhmachs Ruziev Yoldosh, Abdullaev Anvar, Ivanchenko Eduard and Boboev Kamol were brought there with their sleeping belongings. They cruelly beat our brothers Avazov Muzaffar, Zufarov Nu’mon and Alimov Husniddeen, and then poured hot water onto them. Maybe this was done by administration personnel, because at 18:30 our brothers had already been burnt. On August 7th they were taken up to the medical department for washing up and dispatching to Sangorod. The medical assistants Umantus E. and Bayimbetov S., terrified by their appearances, fled the department. They were dressed up by Qodirov Murod, a patient in the department. The next day they were dispatched in the morning, together with other patients. At that time Alimov Husniddeen had already become shaheed. Usually the dispatch cars leave the colony at 2 a.m. at night (due to the heat), but that day, even though the temperature was 40° centigrade - meaning inside the metal car cabin it would reach 60° centigrade - and the distance is 350 km, they left in the daytime. It was certain that the burnt brothers could not bear such heat. That day the DPNC of the colony was junior lieutenant Nurimbetov Quvonch. Also, head of operative unit Soatboy, his assistant lieutenant Pirimbetov А., head of regime enforcement unit Aytimbetov Polat and others were there too. The basement controller was junior sergeant Nodir. On August 9th, Qulimbetov gathered us for an acid test of our feelings. He himself was visibly troubled and his speech was erratic, he said, “How is the basement, is it hot? Oh excuse me, did I say basement again? How is the barrack, I have brought a fan for each cell.” When Haqqulov Jamshid asked, “We want to know the fate of our brothers who were in the basement”, he said “They got a little sick, no one died, now they are at Sangorod, in good health, so do not worry.” The DPD members and lokhmachs freely walked around until 12 o’clock August 10th, then suddenly all of them were locked in carcers. On August 11th Asanov F. and Jumaev R. were released until 11 o’clock in the morning, then locked again. We think they received new orders from the chief over the phone. Maybe they have more tasks to perform. Is it possible that not a single person had seen or noticed these things?

On August 6-7th the controllers told the commander of military unit No. 7553 “They are torturing the prisoners and pouring hot water onto them. If one of them dies, some one will have to take the responsibility.” However, he did not give any consideration to these warnings. It is said that one of brothers died during transportation, but even the morgue did not accept his body. Karimov Jamoliddeen was cruelly beaten until his shoulder bone was broken, whereas Salohiddeenov Fikrat was tortured with hot water in cell No. 15. They turned to the doctors, but they did not treat them at all. The following brothers are the most possible candidates for execution, Haqqulov Jamshid, Qashqadaryo oblast, Qarshi, Degrez street, 4; Guzorov Shavkat, Qashqadaryo oblast, Kasbi district, 14 Galaba collective farm; Isoqov Rasuljon, Andijan oblast, Andijan district, Shaftolizor, 445; Salokhiddeenov Samariddeen, Tashkent, Samarqand-darvoza; Mirzakarimov Ravshan, Margilan; Madumarov Akmal, Margilan; Yusupov Maqsudali, Quva; Egamberdiev Bakhodir, Andijan; Saidmurodov Saidazim, A’zamov Fayzulloh, Karimov Jamoliddeen, Salokhiddeenov Fikrat, Ayyubov Latif, Mirzaumarov Husniddeen, Mamajonov Zokir - all from Tashkent. All of them are steadfast brothers. On July 29th, after receiving the letter written by Khakimov Sherzod, Qulimbetov said, “Keep it down, do not break the rules, if you do so, my assistants won’t touch and beat you.” Given this, why were these brothers killed openly? To frighten us? Or to persecute the women going out to protest demonstrations? Or to call up brave brothers into squares and to arrest them? Or to make the locals responsible for this crime? During the hottest summer days there were no fans and it was not allowed to take off the dresses. Now suddenly they have allowed us to take off our shirts.

August 9th 2002


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