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Fictional novel 'Caliphate' by retired US Army soldier

Tom Kratman, a retired US Army soldier recently published a fictional novel entitled 'Caliphate'. Caliphate is set about 100 years in the future, in a world where Islam has come to dominate Europe as well as much of Asia and Africa. It basically focuses on three characters, an American soldier (Hamilton) and a brother (Hans) and sister (Petra) living in Muslim-dominated Europe.
The book grossly misrepresents Islam and the Caliphate appealing to the fears in the Western phsyche. The author paints an ugly picture of Islamic society and the status of Dhimmis in particular.

This book highlights the West's fear of the impending return of the Khilafah (Caliphate) and their attempt to malign it via spreading misinformation. Muslims need to continuously explain Islam and the Caliphate system in a correct manner to the West. Muslim authors in particular should write about what a future world would be like under a Caliphate, giving an accurate picture of the justice of Islam rather than the distorted one that Kratman portrays.

From the Publisher:
"Demography is destiny. In the 22nd century European deathbed demographics have turned the continent over to the more fertile Moslems. Atheism in Europe has been exterminated. Homosexuals are hanged, stoned or crucified. Such Christians as remain are relegated to dhimmitude, a form of second class citizenship. They are denied arms, denied civil rights, denied a voice, and specially taxed via the Koranic yizya. Their sons are taken as conscripted soldiers while their daughters are subject to the depredations of the continent''s new masters.
In that world, Petra, a German girl sold into prostitution as a slave at the age of nine to pay her family''s yizya, dreams of escape. Unlike most girls of the day, Petra can read. And in her only real possession, her grandmother''s diary, a diary detailing the fall of European civilization, Petra has learned of a magic place across the sea: America."

For an accurate undertstanding of the Islamic Caliphate go to:


Anonymous said…
Would life under the Khilafah be significantly different, for non Muslims, than life today in Saudi Arabia or Iran?

I look forward to reading such a book, BTW.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for posting again, but I forgot one point. Baen, the book's publisher, has Web forums at . One of those forums, KratSkeller, belongs to Tom Kratman. If you want to explain Islam, hear objections from us kaffirs and refute them, that would be a good place.
Islamic Revival said…
Saudi Arabia, Iran or any Muslim country today are not representative of Islam - they are Muslim countries and NOT Islamic states. They implement parts of Islamic law only and not the whole system of Islam. The system of Islam is an integrated whole - which works together, for example the Islamic system wages war on poverty and focusses on the distribution of wealth whereas the Saudi royal family hoardes wealth whilst people are begging outstide the Ka'ba in Makkah. In the time of the second Caliph Umar bin al Khattab, a woman - Shifaa bint Abdullah was a Qadi Hisba (judge responsible over the market place), whereas in Saudi today women are not even allowed to drive. So please don't judge the Islamic system from the actions of the corrupt rulers today.

The economies today including in the countries today are effectively capitalist economies making the rich richer whilst the poor suffer. They privatise public resources such as oil, gas, etc which is forbidden in Islam - these should be used for the benefit of the public - muslim and non-Muslim.

Note under the Islamic system, there is no income tax or flat taxes such as VAT. Zakat & Jizya are upon wealth, not on income and Jizya is only upon men who have the ability to pay - therefore it would be much less than the taxes in any country today whether in the Muslim or Western world.
Anonymous said…
Salam aleikum

I have taken it upon myself to disclose the links about the islamic system on the - KratSkeller forum.

Let's see how it develops...

fi amaanillah
Anonymous said…
What about Iran?

Please do not repeat mistake made by Lenin. Test this brand new beautifull system on some lab animals, then in one small/medium country.

If it will work as advertized
Other will gladly copy it.
If it will not work - small problem.

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