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Views on the news - 17/07/08

Mediterranean Union: Struggle between EU & America

On 13/7/2008 France , which holds the current EU presidency, officially declared the launch of the Union for Mediterranean . At the Summit, leaders from 43 countries came together and agreed on a joint declaration. It stated that the main aim was to transform the Mediterranean region into an area of peace, democracy and cooperation and prosperity. The European initiative led by France is aimed at competing with the US over long-term control of Eastern European and Muslim countries. However, the most disappointing aspect is that the rulers of the Muslim world have again placed the ummah at the centre of a bitter struggle between Europe and America . The messenger (saw) of Allah said, “The Muslim should be sharp so that he is not stung from the same hole twice.” The rulers rather than heeding from this hadith, rush at every opportunity to act as agents for the kafir colonialist powers. For instance Turkey initially opposed to Mediterranean Union reversed its decision and decided to attend the summit. The time has come for the ummah to rid the present leaders and the colonial systems they protect by re-establishing the Khilafah. Only under the Khilafah will the ummah be intellectually, politically and economically independent from the West.

US-Ukraine military increases tensions in the black sea

On 14/7/2008 US-Ukrainian military exercises began on the Black Sea and involved 15 other countries, including Nato members. The exercises will involve warships, planes, helicopters, armoured vehicles and various kinds of troops. Ukrainian leaders who favour joining Nato also hope the drills will help bring their country closer to Nato and Western military standards. “We are moving toward the European Union, we are moving toward Western standards,” said navy chief Vice Adm Ihor Tenyukh. Pro-Western President Viktor Yushchenko asked Nato in January to grant the nation a roadmap to joining the alliance. Nato declined to grant the request due to Russian concerns, which vehemently opposes Ukrainian membership of NATO. Nonetheless, the recent overtures by Russia to threaten Czech Republic and Poland over America ’s missile shield programme, and Russia ’s overt support for separatists in Georgia has increased pressure on the US to demonstrate its primacy in the region. Even this appears to be a risky strategy, as Ukriane is country that is divided into two camps— a pro-American camp and a pro-Russian camp. This is confirmed by a recent poll conducted by the Razumkov Centre, which found that 60 per cent of Ukrainians are opposed joining Nato, up from 53 per cent in February 2008. The exercises have already met huge protests and it is likely that Russia will again fire salvos aimed at thwarting American hegemony in the black sea.

Iran and US: War or reconciliation?

This week the US announced that it will be involved in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme. The White House has already approved a package of incentives to Iran that included a pledge to refrain from the use of force, supported a European gambit to begin preliminary talks with Iran and sent clear signals to Israel not to consider acting against Iran on its own. The about turn has angered neoconservatives. ”This is a complete capitulation on the whole idea of suspending enrichment. Just when the administration has no more U-turns to pull, it does another”, said former U.N. ambassador John R. Bolton. These developments confirm that the Bush administration is gradually implementing the recommendations set out by the Baker-Hamilton report which calls for dialogue with Iran. In this context Obama’s remarks about engaging Iran are quite revealing, and suggest that whether the next administration is democrat or republican reconciliation with Iran will be on the agenda.

Taliban’s strength an ominous sign for the crusaders

For too long now, the West has dismissed the Taliban as a rag tag army. But the daring raid on a NATO base on 15/7/2008 which left 10 US soldiers dead and many coalition troops wounded has irked the US and her allies. Immediately after, the US withdrew from the village and is in the process of bolstering its troops.The damage could have been much greater had it not been for the blatant assistance of Iran and Pakistan in American efforts to curb the Pushtun resistance. Both countries have approximately 1 million soldiers under arms, and, if used against under a sincere Islamic leadership the crusader forces would be vanquished from the region for good.

West berates Pakistan over its Tribal areas

On 15/7/2008 a Pentagon news agency — the American Armed Forces Press Service — quoted US and Nato officials as describing the situation in Pakistan as “dysfunctional”. A day earlier, spokesman Sean McCormack said at a briefing in Washington: “There is a deep concern about cross-border infiltration from Pakistan into Afghanistan and then back over the border.” Added to this both Obama and McCain—the current US presidential candidates—have indicated that Pakistan will feature heavily in US foreign policy matters in 2009. The root of the apparent problem between US and Pakistan appears to be two factors. First, the there is an intense debate in the Pakistani army about the conducting operations against their own citizens. Previously, such operation has resulted in high causalities, mutiny in the ranks and poor results. Second, fissures have opened up between the new government and US over holding talks with militants. The US still believes that through Musharraf and Kiyani’s leadership it can resolve the first issue—this can be measured through the various military aid packages the US has approved for the Pakistani army. However, doubts have grown about the ability of Zardari and Gillani to implement US instructions, despite heavy American pressure. The coming months will be crucial for Pakistan, as US contemplates a combination of military strikes and ground operations, as well as the establishment of a new coalition government to act under its auspices.

17 July 2008


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