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A call to thinkers across the world: Reject Capitalism with its calamities and crises

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


A call to thinkers across the world: Reject Capitalism with its calamities and crises.

Here is a Real Alternative...

There is an overwhelming opinion amongst politicians, economists and thinkers across the world that the cause behind the ongoing disaster of the economic recession is the ideology of Capitalism itself. Capitalism protects the interests of the capitalists - filling their pockets at the expense of the rest of the people. It has deprived millions of a basic standard of living in order to secure the comforts and luxuries of the capitalists and has divided the world into two: the 5 per cent of people who own more than 80 per cent of the world's wealth and resources and the remaining 95 per cent of the world's population who barely own 20 per cent of the resources.

Political leaders and economists seem unconvinced that they are able to provide a solution to this serious recession. Indeed, they appear to believe that the capitalist ideology is unable to provide answers for this recession. Similar convictions have been expressed by senior politicians such as Nicholas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and others. They have proposed temporary emergency measures - despite being aware of their futility - such as injecting capital into banks, markets and flagging companies. They have funded this from their own taxpayers - taking from the poor to give to the failing rich. Yet they persist on their age-old misguidance of maintaining wealthy capitalists at the expense of the poor.

The temporary measures proposed for the global recession have failed because the problem is endemic to the very ideology itself - and a corrupt ideology will inevitably cause corruption and lead to suffering and hardship for those who implement it. Any solutions emerging from that ideology will similarly be defective. This is what Capitalism has proved over the many decades that it has been implemented. In truth, capitalist countries have been forced to adopt solutions from the debunked socialist ideology, such as nationalisation, and forced to contradict their own beliefs by adopting protectionism and economic isolationism that run contrary to agreements such as GATT and indeed the very ideology itself.

Political leaders, economists and thinkers should now discard this ideology, but need look no further for an alternative, because for decades Hizb ut-Tahrir has proposed the real solution to all of humanity's problems: Islam and its economic system. It was revealed from Allah (Most High) to the heart of His Trustworthy Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace) and was implemented through the ages and over a diverse range of nations. It achieved success and happiness for all human beings in that state, such that there was not a poor person in need of Zakat (charity).

In January 2009 in Khartoum, Sudan, Hizb ut-Tahrir convened a global economic conference discussing the global economic crisis, explaining its reality, critically examining its symptoms, accurately expounding its causes and then offering the only real and correct solution to the problem.

Now, Hizb ut-Tahrir is holding press conferences to launch a new book that presents the papers that were delivered at this conference, outlining the real solution to this global crisis as well as the means of implementing them so that security, happiness and well being may be achieved for all of humanity.

We invite you to attend and take part in our two press conferences - in Beirut and London - during which there will be an open opportunity for questions and discussion about the proposed solutions.

Hizb ut-Tahrir also invites you to watch the two press conferences live on the Internet and to send your questions and comments to the media office via its official website:



Friday 8th Rabi` al-Akhar 1430 Hijri / 3rd April 2009

10:30 a.m. Medina and Beirut time.

As-Safir hotel in al-Rawsha, Beirut, Lebanon


Friday 8th Rabi` al-Akhar 1430 Hijri / 3rd April 2009

6:30 p.m. BST (8:30 p.m. Medina and Beirut time).

The London Continental Hotel, 88 Gloucester Place, London, W1U 6HR,
United Kingdom

Talks will be in Arabic and English at both conferences.


Both events will be streamed live on and on the following mirror sites:
Press Conference Video - for the video stream
Press Conference Audio - for audio only stream

30th Rabi' al-Awwal 1430 Hijri / 26th March 2009

The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir



Anonymous said…
A live web Question & Answer (Q&A) session will be held on Monday August 10th 2009 @ 8:30pm (CST) as result of the massive repsonse to the Khilafah 2009 Conference held in Oak Lawn (Chicago), IL USA on July 19th.

Please check the website ( ) for instructions to access the live session.

All conference videos are on the following playlist

Also, please view the post-conference review on the below link:

They can also be viewed on under the 'Media' section.

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