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The Insignificant Settlement of Danish Newspaper Politiken, the Hateful Criticism and the Fraudulent Cheers

In light of the settlement between some Muslim organisations and Politiken on the reprinting of the hateful cartoons of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, the following points should be clarified:

Firstly: The settlement includes a pseudo-apology in which Politiken doesn't apologize for the insult of the Messenger, but for the sore and pain caused to the Muslims by the insult. At the same time the newspaper reserves the right to repeat the same insult as the newspaper insists on what it describes as "the right to reprint the cartoons"! In return, Politiken has demanded that the Muslim organisations abandon prosecuting the newspaper. This ridiculous apology equals saying to a man after beating him: "I will not apologise for beating you, but for the pain that arose subsequently. And moreover, I reserve the right to beat you again, when it suits me. As a condition, you will not get my apology unless you cease to complain about my beating!"

Secondly: The subsequent criticism of this settlement from the Danish media and politicians confirm their fierce hatred for Islam and the vast disregard of the feelings of the Muslims. And it reminds us that the hateful cartoons of the Messenger came a few days after the Minister of Culture encouraged cultural people and artists to insult the Qur'an and the honored Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم! Hence, the cartoons at the time were a culmination of the hateful strategy, which Western media and politicians led against the Muslims under the shadow of the war against "terror"!
Thirdly: Because of the treacherous regimes in the Islamic world, who remain passive towards the repeated insults to the sanctities of the Muslims and towards the persistent aggression against the Muslims, every hateful soul has the audacity to insult the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. This crowd of wretched rulers has thus brought forth a humiliating state, which makes some Muslims satisfied with a pseudo-apology coupled with absurd reservations! Worse still is that some shameless Muslims praise and rejoice over this pointless settlement in order to legitimise their cooperation with hateful Western politicians and institutions! While politicians repeat phrases such as "freedom of expression must not be compromised", which means that the insults towards the Messenger should continue without prejudice, these Muslims claim that the settlement confirms that the way forward is dialogue and cooperation with hateful politicians, who are also taking part in the aggression against the Muslims in Afghanistan at the moment!

Finally, we Muslims should know that the insult towards the Messenger is not resolved through conciliation with media, which reserves "the right" to repeat the insult. On the contrary, it must be resolved through the establishment of the Khilafah-State, which has the capacity to put a final end to the repeated insults to the sanctities of Muslims. The Khilafah-State, that begins with showing recognition of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم by implementing the Shari'ah, which he conveyed. It is now clear that the trade boycott, demonstrations, protests and condemnations of the Muslims at best result in a pseudo-apology with absurd reservations! Because there are some hateful and arrogant enemies who only understand the language of force! And effective sanctions against the enemies of the Muslims, be they political, economic or military sanctions, can only be achieved by the presence of the Islamic Khilafah-State. We therefore call on the Muslims and especially the powerful among them to cooperate with Hizb ut-Tahrir to overthrow the regimes in the Islamic world and establish the shield, Khilafah-Rashidah, which protects our sanctities, implements the Shari'ah of the Messenger and puts an end to the violations, which the Islamic nation is continuously experiencing.

Media-Representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir - Scandinavia
28th of February 2010 CE


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