Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi (Explanation of Party Structuring) by Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hawarey (rh).
This is a translation from Sheikh Hawarey's explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.
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This is the basis upon which the education curricula were based as the educational curricula had to be extracted from this principle or be built upon this basis. This was in addition to making their (western colonial) personality the basis from which culture is taken. All this means that we would look at and view realities and events just as the westerner would including how he would treat and deal with matters, how he would interact with incidents and events in addition to how he would take stances and positions in relation to a certain issue. So freedom for instance is the cornerstone in relation to the behaviour of the individual and as such it is not permitted to prevent anybody from any manner of acting. Therefore free speech, freedom of belief and personal freedoms are sanctified matters to the westerner and it would then become inevitable for us (also) to sanctify them. Look at how the world has become dominated by these principles and bases and as such it is necessary for the cultural books to contain within them hundreds of examples about the like of these realities and how they were treated and dealt with. Similarly the books of history and geography had to be comprised of their history and it was necessary to study history, the beginning of their revival and the bases upon which their civilisation was built, beginning from the 13 century and what they call the Magna Carta (the document that restricted the mandatory powers of the king). It was necessary for them to lay down all of this in the heart of historical matters which explains the extent of the effectiveness upon the Ummah and the people in terms of when they decide any matter. Similarly they made the French revolution the guiding light and the words of Abraham Lincoln the standard for all nations. In addition they their language the official language of the state splitting lessons between this language and Arabic. They also made any job position dependent on the job seeker’s knowledge of the foreign language so in addition to the foreign language becoming the means to a job and a living it also became a symbol of progress and being civilised. As a result you would even find the illiterate person attempting to memorize a few foreign words as if he wanted to be elevated by them. This was so that he could be labelled as being cultured and he would be measured in terms of how cultured he was by the amount of words that he had memorised and even if this person was an ‘Aalim, Faqeeh and Khateeb in the large Masaajid as this status did not suffice him from needing to possess some of knowledge of the foreign language. As for the geography of the foreigner’s land then it was only natural that they would be provided with enough knowledge and that specific books would be given to them that would explain the foreign lands to them and what they contained in terms of goodness and characteristics that made them distinguished in addition to the climate that Allah had provided them with which had a big effect upon the dispositions of its people. This would reach the extent that they would say that the colder lands make its inhabitants more intelligent, quick to act and consistent in their work and efforts. This was in contrast to the hot countries as the people there were distinguished by idleness, laziness and sick dispositions. We then started to repeat these statements and conclusions as if they reflected a true reality that had been revealed by the Qur’aan Al-Kareem and we began to have more knowledge about the goodness these lands contained than knowledge we had about our own lands and environment. Indeed we began to attain more knowledge about their lands than even they possessed which led to some believing that Allah had bestowed these blessings upon them and naturally favoured these people over all others. This was some of what the Kaafir paid special attention and strove to fill our minds with and if we wanted even more than this then it was necessary to study Greek philosophy and Roman and French law. It was also necessary to become knowledgeable of their great stars within the field of philosophy beginning with Socrates and ending with Descartes in addition to their personalities in the fields of literature, poetry and music etc...
In addition to this underhanded deliberate attempt to provide a shining image of its personality they also made the claim that it only fought against the ‘Uthmaani State because it was an oppressive despotic State that wanted hegemony over other peoples in order to suck their blood. They only came to rid the world of these evils and that they were supporters of the weak and downtrodden peoples and helper to the poor nations in addition to being the teacher and culture of people. That they did not come to our lands except to remove the oppression and suppression from us firstly and then secondly to teach us how we can go on to rule ourselves and only guides us to that which is good for us and in our interest. They would then establish with us relations of mutual affection and respect and after that return to where they had come from. They did not covet anything that we had but rather they would spend money and exert efforts, and bring in scholars and experts so that we could revive. Therefore they rushed to build schools, learning institutions and hospitals in every city, town, village and district. This made the general public and indeed the public opinion as a whole look to them with a high and glorified status and made them the high example that it was necessary for the people to follow. This was particularly the case at the time when the society was at the end of its decline and when ignorance in the society has spread over the land. This was in addition to the corrupt economic situation which was the result of many causes including the engaging of the State in continuous wars, ineffective administration, misapplication of the system, arbitrary taxes arising from corruption in the system and rampant unemployment. In addition to this were causes that were outside of their control like drought and natural shortages that continued for many years which led to famine in many of the lands. And when the disbeliever came to the lands whilst being aware of what the people were suffering from, they attempted to lessen and lighten these crises with actions which appeared on the outside to be with good whilst in reality inside they were designed to make the people accept them and to prefer them to those who had been in authority before them. An example from these underhanded actions was the granting of financial rewards to those who did well in certain areas or acts. So if a farmer did well in his harvest he would be granted a financial reward and the one who made the foundations of the earth so that the binds are not washed away would be given a financial reward. Whilst the one who treated his donkey bad and overburdened it with what was beyond its capacity would be penalised just as the farmer who did not treat his injured camel would be fined. This applied to a number of realities that were eye-catching and areas which had the greatest effect upon the Ummah to impress her. In this way the Kaafir was able to hide his true face and in its place portray the face of the one who has come as a saviour bringing goodness wherever he may be.
The subject and issue of education curricula and programmes remains an affront to those who are responsible for it until this day and the face of colonialism still remains hidden behind it or even it appears in a clear and prominent way sometimes. The Kaafir has been dominant in setting these curricula to make sure that no part is left from it and found it necessary to examine every detail of it whether it was large or small and this was because of the effect that culture has in the lives of people. Then if they fail to produce generations that carry their Aqueedah and who believe in that which they believe in, then in the least they would have brought generations who were ignorant, with conflicted minds without an intellectual basis or specific method of thinking. As a result these generations would remain a fertile soil to sow their culture and to be directed in the direction that they desire for them and even if they (eventually) wanted to release their grip after realising their true objective. They would be the ones who draw out for them the path of struggle so that they would fall once again under their grip albeit in a new or different form.
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