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Eid Dilemma ( Lahore ) Pakistan vs ( Delhi ) India

Eid Dilemma (Lahore) Pakistan vs (Delhi) India

Flashback: Prior to so-called independence from the Colonial Britain, sighting of the moon in Lahore of Al-Hind (India+Pakistan+Bangladesh) was valid and acceptable in Delhi. Lahore and Delhi is less than 500 km (311 miles).
Fast forward to Ramadan 2016: The moon was sighted in Lahore on Tuesday 5th July after Magrib and Muslims in Pakistan will be celebrating Eid today Wednesday 6th July. However the Muslims of India, especially the north and central belts of the country will still be fasting today and will celebrate Eid on Thursday 7th July 2016.
This is because the Ruyyat Committee scholars in New Delhi have adopted the madhab of their colonial masters when the British Kuffar divided Al-Hind into 2 countries in 1947. So these Colonised Scholars have decided that that *their* moon should be sighted in either the north or central part of India. Any sighting that happens at the other line on the map which was valid less than 70 years ago is now invalid for them. Another twist in this saga: the moon was as well sighted on Tuesday 5th July in southern part of India, more precisely in Nagercoil (located in Kerala). Yet those same Colonised Scholars ignored this reality. Why? Because had they accepted this sighting, the Muslims would have ended having only 28 fasts, which is flawed as these same dodgy scholars ignored the sighting of the Ramadan moon that was reported in Khozikode. All these sightings were credible without any doubt whatsoever. The Ruyyat Committee scholars appear to forget that in acting so, they are not just carrying their own sins of fasting on Ramadhan but also the sins of the millions of Muslims who will be fasting today, the day of Eid. Fasting on the both Eid (Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha) is Haraam, as indicated by the hadith of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (ra) who said: “The Prophet (saw) forbade fasting on the day of al-Fitr and al-Nahr.” [Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1992; Muslim, 827] Morality of the story: If unity is to be achieved there need to be an ability to bind the Ummah to follow one declaration, without which our present situation of multiple Eids will remain with us. It is obvious that this issue of moon-sighting is a political issue & as such only needs a political solution, which unfortunately our present situation does not afford a resolution. Searching for a solution necessitates looking beyond the local, it must unite, be based on a process built on authority, transcend any difference, and most importantly stem from Islam. Difference of opinion in Fiqh is not a bad thing. However when differences lead to societal fragmentation one opinion must be adopted for ALL Muslims.
The very matter of who chooses this one opinion in areas of conflict is the main sticking point for Muslims, yet the Shariah deems this to be the remit of the Khaleefah to settle any difference and to ensure Islam is applied. This principle was practised by the Khulafah Rashideen. Conclusion: It is obvious in the absence of the Khilafah, this issue of moon-sighting will continue to create division instead of unity among Muslims. That is why our energies should instead be focused on supporting the global calls for unification towards the work for the restoration of the rule of Allah upon the way of the Prophethood. [Resume adopted from the posts of two Dawah Carriers]



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