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Can the Human Be Possessed by Jinn? | Iyad Hilal

Allah (SWT) has sent down the Qur’an as a book of guidance to mankind. He created the human for the sole purpose of worship (i.e. to seek His pleasure by living the way of life THAT Allah has ordered him to adopt. He can do so within the framework of the guidance that Allah (SWT) has revealed concerning this. However, he can only do so if he properly understands its meanings and implications. Al-Arqam Institute has been conducting the online Tafsir class since 2011 and has completed Tafsir of Juz’ ‘Amma in its entirety.

We now are progressing through the Tafsir of Surah al-Baqarah. Some facts about Surah al-Baqarah: - It is the longest Surah in the Qur’an occupying more than two Juz’
- Its revelation started with the Prophet’s migration to Madinah and continued throughout the ten years of the Prophet’s life in Madinah.
- It contains the longest Ayah in the Qur’an (Ayat al-Dayn – 282)
- Surah al-Baqarah is also called Surah an-Nisaa’ al-Kubra – The Major Surah of Women. This is because it contains more rulings related to women that Surah an-Nisaa’

Surah al-Baqarah is comprehensive in its scope as it covers issues pertaining to:
- 'Aqeedah
- Ahkaam regarding social order
- Qiblah
- Financial Transactions and more

However, its theme can be summarized by one word – Guidance. The style in which Surah al-Baqarah will be presented is that of analytical Tafsir. As such, we will be addressing the topic in-depth while depending on well-known great books of Tafasir of each type – Tafsir bil-Ma’thoor wal-Riwayah (Reports and Narration-based Tafsir) & Tafsir bil-Dirayah (Tafsir Relevant to the Current Situation)

The sessions will be conducted by Br. Iyad Hilal who holds a MA in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) & Islamic Legal Theory (Usul al-Fiqh).



Anonymous said…
As-Salamu alaikum

The very best book on the subject is the new book "Islam vs Superstition" by Abu Abdelazeez. It deals with all the of different subjects in detail, all of the so-called evidence, etc.
Unknown said…
As salamu alaykum,

Jazaaka Allahu khayran for your explanation :)

The topic of Jinn-possession is dealt with in depth in the book "Islam vs superstition" by Abu Abdelazeez.

The book includes topics such as:

*) Divination and soothsayers
*) Myths about Jinn (including Jinn-possession)
*) Magic (sihr/jadoo)
*) The evil eye (al-'ain/nazar)
*) Working wonders by saints (karamaat)
*) Medicine of the Prophet (at-tibb an-nabawi)

In the book, the islamic texts used by proponents of these ideas are presented and dealt with in depth to conclude that these ideas are superstitious ideas, most of them are in reality pre-islamic superstitions.

The book is available via Amazon as an ebook:

You can contact us, the publishing house al-hidayah at

Best regards was salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Easy Ruqya said…
If you approach anyone regarding magic issue and he starts talking about details of jinn,magic...etc he is leading you to misguidance. A righteous person will divert your attention exclusively to Allah's Rahma,His generosity and his absolute power (qadeer).If you know Allah by these few blessed names you need not worry about any jinn.

Most of the ruqya protocols are just the duplicate work of magic.
Reciting Quran to bring jinn is not the Sunnah way of reciting Quran. Its in fact dishonouring of Quran.

It's not magic that you need to worry about,but your sins and it's effects.
The first treatment for magic must begin with istighfar and correcting your understanding about Allah's rahma and have hope in Him(swt)

Listen to this dua for healing

Things to help you get closer to Allah:
Recite kalima a lot
Recite salawat
Giving charity
Honouring your guests
Treating your family well

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