A Truce with Criminal Bashar's Regime will Strengthen it and Weaken the Blessed Revolution of Ash-Sham
The tyrant Bashar's regime carried out many attempts and was successful in neutralizing battle zones that were a cause of concern depleting his forces and forming a threat, this was by way of holding truce treaties and deals with these areas, so that he can be freed to gather his forces towards other fronts. These areas became a barrier that protects him and allows him to pass through them to other areas. These truces led to many prohibitions including: Truce is an implicit recognition of the regime of which the revolution erupted to overthrow it, and this is what gives it legitimacy. It divides the Mujahideen into supporters and opposition, and therefore weakens their ranks. This frees the forces of the criminal regime to control other areas and easily achieve victories. It weakens the fighting spirit among other areas and prepares people to accept similar treaties or to withdraw from the areas. These withdrawals announced by several battalions and brigades from the c...