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Statement on Hizb ut-Tahrir's delegations to quell bloodshed in Lebanon

The following is a draft translation from arabic.

From the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lebanon

16th Muharram, 1428 A.H
4th February, 2007 C.E

Statement on Hizb’s visits to quell dissension

During the past several weeks, delegations from Hizb ut-Tahrir called on various authorities with the intention of containing the religious congestion or blockages and quelling bloodshed as a result of conspiracies, which are being fanned by various international parties and promoted by different regional outfits with the support of manipulative groups at the local level either knowingly or unwittingly. This certainly is not in the interest of anyone whether friendly or those who oppose. Among these delegations:

The first delegation comprising: Dr. Mohammad Jaber, Dr. Mohammad al-Abdallah, Engineer Othman Bakhaash, Engineer Bilal Zaidan, Engineer Saleh Salam, Engineer Salah Adhadah, Mr. Mohammad Essa and Mr. Mohammad Hamoud called on: H.E. Shaikh Abdul Ameer Qablan, the Vice President of the Higher Shiite Council and H.E Shaikh Abdul Majeed ‘Ammar from the leadership of Hezbollah, H.E Saleem al Hos, and the deputies Mr. Sameer al-Jasr, Mr. Jamal al-Jarrah and Dr. Mohammad al-Hajjar.

The delegation presented the point of view of the Hizb, before the hosts, in which it refuted all the ignorant and obscure calls for religious strife and dissensions that result in mutual bloodshed. It also called for keeping the issues of the Ummah away from the influence of the manipulative forces because this erodes the trust of the people as well as the credibility of the issues at stakes. The delegation also discussed the role of the religious scholars in the context of the current nationalistic calls, and the necessity of pulling the carpet from under the feet of those who take shelter of religion and instigate people with manipulative phrases, in order that people realize that their salvation does not lie in suicides, rather it lies in shouldering and facing the issues; and that the meaningless issues that are being contested by the parties are not the real issues capable of awakening or advancing the Ummah. On the other hand, this requires calling upon the people on the basis of comprehensive Islamic values on which to gather around the Kalimah of Islam. This certainly cannot be achieved by either expansion or narrowing of the government and a few early elections here and there without actually dealing with the false standards and foundations on which the state is founded.

The second delegation headed by Mr. Ahmad al-Qasas and comprising Sayyid Mohammad al-Sayyid, Mr. Mukhtar Waleed Darneeqah, member of the media office and Mr. Abdur Rahman al-Sumaidi.

Among others, the delegation met President Omar Karami.

Mr. Ahmad al-Qasas stated saying: “We heard the viewpoint of the President Omar Karami on the recent events and informed the President regarding the perspective of the Hizb on various developments and highlighted that the main issue is how we deflect any internal clash, that Allah forbid, may lead to a civil war in the country, which may be far more severe and destructive than the so-called previous “Lebanese” war and may shift the Iraqi bloodshed to Lebanon”. He stressed that “it is the duty of everyone in Lebanon in both the parties (8th and 14th March) to find a way out of the regional and international militias and consequently, a dialogue on the concerns, in order to save the country from strife and calamity, otherwise the ship will sink with all of us. We therefore request our brothers in Hezbollah to stop the loud voices of those in the opposition and also request the brothers in the fronts to suppress such voices that call allies and the authority for killings. It is their duty to agree to prevent the discord and strife that neither lives nor let’s lives”.

The third delegation led by Dr. Mohammad Jaber and comprising Engineer Othman Bakhaash and Engineer Saleh Salam called upon H.E Mohammad Hussain Fadhlallah.

The delegation expressed the perspective of the Hizb, which sees the problem as fragmentation of the local political leadership and them being caught in the claws of the Western agenda. It emphasized that the correct solution for the problem in Lebanon, as well as in Iraq and Palestine is in consolidating the resources and capabilities of the Ummah in a single political entity based on the Islamic ideology which is of great benefit for the entire universe, not just for Muslims alone, while on the other hand the Western initiatives serve only their interests; although some simple and naïve people may be under an illusion to the contrarary.

Another delegation, the fourth led by Dr. Mohammad Jaber and comprising Engineer. Bilal Zaidan and Mr. Ali Aslan visited Mr. Abu Ammad al-Rifa’ee, the representative of the Jihad movement in Lebanon.

It discussed the significance of the recent statement issued by the Hizb, titled: “A call to the people of Palestine…” wherein the Hizb has implored the brothers fighting for a meaningless authority which is devoid of substance, to repudiate it. This will give them a credible stance against their enemy. In this call, the Hizb has urged all the people of Palestine to hold the hand s of those who push them to destruction. The meeting was well echoed.

Fifth: Along with these, other delegations of the Hizb concentrated on making several visits in the heartland of Palestine in an attempt to quell the dissension brewing in Palestine. During the two days, more than twenty visits were made in the camps of most of the tribes and organisations as well as important aspects of the local events and developments.

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lebanon, Telephone: 03/094404:03/776792


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