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Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh issues its Islamic Manifesto

PR no: 02-06012007
Date: 06 Jan, 2007

Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh organized a press conference today (January 06, 2007) at the national pressvclub to present the party’s Islamic Manifesto. Chief Coordinator & Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh, Mohiuddin Ahmed said in his written statement that the current politics led by Awami League (AL) and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has brought chaos to the lives of the people and failed to achieve the aspirations of the people. The corrupt power politics of AL-BNP and their allies has not only neglected the people’s affairs and denied them their rights; they have also forsaken the sovereignty and security of the nation. Our economy is unable to progress due to the imperialist control and their exploitation of our national resources.
The people of this country have been deceived and betrayed by the elected governments of the past 15 years. The time has come for the nation to reject the politics of benefit and looting and to establish the ruling which will unite the nation and achieve progress. The Khilafah government is the only method for uniting the nation, securing the basic needs of the people, protecting national sovereignty and security and freeing the economy from imperialist control. More importantly establishing the Khilafah is a vital shariah obligation on the Muslims.

Hence Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh presents this Islamic manifesto as an alternative to the current political system. The manifesto includes details of the Khilafah ruling system, its central and local government structure, the method of electing and accounting the ruler and the structure of the judiciary. It also discusses the method of securing the basic rights of the people including separate sections on the rights of workers, women and non-Muslims. The manifesto details the education, energy, industry, agriculture, foreign and defense policies of the Khilafah government.

The major points about the Khilafah government stated in the manifesto are mentioned below:
1. The people will be able to elect the head of state (Khaleefah) of their choice without violence, terror and intimidation.
2. The Khaleefah will rule by the Quran and the Sunnah based on his fear of accountability to Allah (SWT) and work to guarantee the basic rights of its citizens regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Therefore, the politicians have no opportunity to do politics for achieving their personal interest or the interests of their parties and allies.
3. The Majlis al-Ummah and the Court of Unjust Acts will account the Khaleefah to ensure that he is guaranteeing the basic needs of the people and running the government according to the Quran and Sunnah.
4. The Khilafah state will adopt the policy of becoming a leading state within the region as well as
internationally. Therefore the Khaleefah will not be cowardly and submissive in front of the imperialists nor will he forsake the interests of the nation in return for money and power. Similarly the politicians of the Islamic state will not call upon the imperialists to intervene in our internal affairs.
5. The government in the Islamic state is not permitted to allow private or foreign ownership of national resources. Rather the Khaleefah is obliged by the Quran and Sunnah to make proper use of national resources to build a strong economy free from any imperialist control.

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Chief Coordinator & Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh


Read the manifesto in Bangla


Anonymous said…
From the time when muabia abrogated khelafat system of Goverment by choosing his son yazid as his successor of his throne, why any sahaba or tabeyeen or tabe-tabeyeen did not try to esblablish khelafat, like what u want to establish now
Ali said…
The Khilafah state will be establish on the foot step of the Khilafah Rashida,Like how it was at the time of Abu Bakr[ra],Umar[ra],Uthman[ra] and Ali [ra],And not like at the time of Yazid or his dad.
Anonymous said…
Inshallah,bangladesh will be next medina.And who is this anonymous?

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