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If you are not ashamed, then do what you please...

The following is the translation of an Arabic leaflet widely circulated in the Muslim world.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

«إذا لم تستحْيِ فاصنع ما شئت»
If you are not ashamed, then do what you please
Rulers of Turkey are out of their minds and remain unremorseful!!

The rulers of Turkey have been saying in their official gazettes and media releases that the official spokesman of Hizb ut Tahrir in Turkey has been in contact with one of Mossad’s agents!
They have also been saying that the conference of Hizb ut Tahrir, the Khilafah conference which was scheduled to be held on 26th July, 2009, wanted to carry out terrorist bombings…!!
The Turkish officials have also been saying that in order to serve the interests of the Jews, Hizb ut Tahrir wanted to assassinate Erdogan, the godfather and mastermind of the negotiations with the Jews.

And thus they have been issuing statements of all sorts….!
These rulers of Turkey are the successors of the Jew who went about under the name of Mustafa Kemal Pasha and executed the British and Jewish agenda of destroying the Khilafah. His followers have further added the American agenda of helping the Jews and attacking the Khilafah. And now these rulers claim that Hizb ut Tahrir which is working for re-establishing the Khilafah, and praying day and night for it, is serving Jewish interests!

The rulers of Turkey who only excel when it comes to defaming the deen of Allah, have unashamedly accorded recognition to the Jewish entity just after it was formed, and yet they accuse Hizb ut Tahrir, which works to establish the Khilafah which will uproot and eliminate the Jewish entity, of working to serve Jewish interests and accuse its spokesman of having contacted one of Mossad’s agents.

These rulers of Turkey, who did their best and signed military and security agreements and carried out joint military exercises with the Jewish entity, allege that Hizb ut Tahrir works with Mossad, whilst the Hizb ut Tahrir considers those agreements and military exercises to be a grave crime in Islam!

Erdogan is the mastermind of the treacherous dialogue between the Syrian regime and the Jewish entity, which has usurped Palestine. And yet the Turkish rulers, and Erdogan in particular, accuse the soldiers of Khilafah, who confront all traitors, of negotiating with the Jewish entity and working for Jewish interests and contacting a Mossad agent!
Erdogan was asked by one of the audience when he spoke in Davos, who was particularly impressed by his smooth talk, as to why then does the government not sever all diplomatic relations with the Jewish entity after the massacre in Gaza? Erdogan replied that maintaining relations with the Jewish entity was better than breaking all relations! Yet, the Turkish rulers, and Erdogan in particular, have the audacity to accuse Hizb ut Tahrir, which clearly and fearlessly states the truth that keeping relations with the Jewish entity is being rebellious to Allah, His Prophet (saw) and the believers, and accuse Hizb ut Tahrir of keeping contacts with agents of the Jews!

Erdogan makes every effort he can in order to gift the right of exploitation of Turkish lands to an (Israeli) company, and yet the Turkish rulers, and Erdogan in particular, accuse the soldiers of Khilafah who are foiling his attempts, of keeping contacts with agents of the Jews!
The rulers of Turkey are indeed shameless! The Prophet (saw) said the truth in the hadeeth narrated by Bukhari on the authority of Abi Masoud ‘Aqaba ibn ‘Aamir al-Ansari al-Badari who says that the Prophet said:

إِنَّ مِمَّا أَدْرَكَ النَّاسُ مِنْ كَلَامِ النُّبُوَّةِ الأُولَى إِذَا لَمْ تَسْتَحْيِ
فَاصْنَعْ مَا شِئْتَ
“One of the sayings of the prophets which the people have got, is: ‘If you do not feel ashamed, then do whatever you like.’ “

O Muslims!
The rulers of Turkey have lost their senses. They have hearts, but they understand not; they have ears, but they hear not; they have eyes, but they see not; they are not blind by their eyes, but they are blind by the hearts in their chests. They have seen by themselves how the people of Turkey support the shabab of Hizb, who were arrested for simply trying to hold the Khilafah conference in Istanbul. They witnessed how the people surrounded the court and shouted the slogans of truth against the regime’s policemen, who arrested the shabab who are working for Khilafah and demanded the release of the shabab. The people even succeeded in releasing some the shabab and the rulers know all of this, and also know well that the Khilafah is deeply entrenched in the hearts and souls of the Muslims who are patiently waiting for its return. This is why they are inventing accusations and allegations against the shabab who are pure and pristine believers. The rulers are led by the Shaitan and they do not realise that the shabab of the Hizb are well-known in their towns and villages for their character and integrity, who stand up against all falsehoods and lies. The rulers are forgetting that such allegations soon bounce back upon the accusers themselves, and that day is not very far.

O Muslims!
Hizb ut Tahrir is thankful to Allah (swt) that such invented accusations are the creations of the rulers who are rotten and stand exposed for their relations with the Jewish entity. It is also thankful that the media sources who have reproduced the false allegations of the rulers, have been doing so for a long time. The media has been highlighting such accusations and the Ummah has been seeing this for years, and they understand the rulers, as well as the media. Both of them have no respect amongst Muslims, who will recount this on the day of Judgment in front of Allah (swt), such is the fate of liars both in life and after death. We should take a lesson from the episode narrated in the Tabaqat ibn Sa’ad that when ‘Omar (r.a) learnt that he was fatally attacked by a Kafir who never prostrated before Allah (swt), he praised Allah. Such is the fate of every slandering accuser.

By the blessings of Allah (swt) Hizb ut Tahrir is the symbol of greatness and blessing and carries fire over its head, which will soon burn the tongues of such slanderers and accusers as Allah (swt), the Powerful and Unforgiving to liars, said of such slanderers:

وَلَقَدْ أَهْلَكْنَا أَشْيَاعَكُمْ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
“And indeed, We have destroyed your likes; then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?” [Surah al-Qamar :51]

But how does matter to such liars, they do not understand, they do not comprehend, but certainly they shall be accounted without fail.

وَاللّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَى أَمْرِهِ وَلَـكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ
“And Allâh has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.” [Surah Yusuf: 21]

Hizb ut Tahrir
10th Sha’ban, 1430 A.H
31st July, 2009


Urdu translation (inpage)


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