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Urdu book: The main rules of fasting

The following is an abridged translation and explanation of the Arabic book 'Al-Jami al akham as-siyam' (Collection of the rules of fasting) by the Mujtahid, Sheikh Abu Iyas Mahmoud bin Abdul Latif al-Uweida (May Allah protect him). The translation and commentary is by brother Muhammad Ali. :

Sheikh Abu Iyas is a respected scholar from Jordan, he has authored various books including:

- Selected fiqhi issues: The book contains 321 issues in the form of questions and answers related to Salah (prayer), fasting, Zakah, Hajj, Umrah, economics, ruling, social relations and Jihad. The Sheikh has selected from the questions which he responded to between 1993 and 2007. The book can be downloaded from: مسائل فقهية مختارة
- 'Al-Jami’ Ahkam as-Salah' (Collection of the rules of prayer): a very detailed book in Arabic upon the rules of Salah entitled which is over 500 pages long.
- Hamlad da'watul Islam wajibat wa sifat' (The way to carry the da’wah, its obligations and characteristics).

The respected Sheikh has spent long years in the da’wah, he is an activist in the work for Khilafah and a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir. The Sheikh has spent time in prison in Jordan for his da'wah activities.


Salman said…
Asa, is this book, or the original larger book, available in english?
Anonymous said…
"'Al-Jami’ Ahkam as-Salah' (Collection of the rules of prayer): a very detailed book in Arabic upon the rules of Salah entitled which is over 500 pages long.
- Hamlad da'watul Islam wajibat wa sifat' (The way to carry the da’wah, its obligations and characteristics)."

Assalamu Alaikum,

Are these books avaialable in english anywhere? Or is there any plans for these to be transalted?
Islamic Revival said…
No unfortunately they are currently not available in English
Anonymous said…
Assalamu Alaikum,

Do you know where I can find the book of salah written by Sheikh Taquidinn Nabhani?

Ma Salaama
Anonymous said…
Salam Brother...

I dont think Sheikh Taqiuddin Nabhani wrote any book on salah specifically because he wrote the books dealing with the matters of Islam collectively... And we understand that Salah is part of Islam...

Your brother in Islam...
Islamic Revival said…
Sheikh Taqiuddin did help writing a book on salah which is known as his ijtihad on the topic together with Sheikh Ali Raghib, Revival publications will be publishing it in the near future in english inshallah. We will be putting up the link to the downloadable pdf once its complete i.a.

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