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Rohingya Muslim Women and Children are Slaughtered, Dishonoured, and Displaced and the World Abandons them to their Fate!

Press Release
Hundreds of Rohingya Muslims from the Rakhine state are fleeing a brutal military crackdown by the conscienceless Myanmar army that followed an attack on border guards on October 9th which was blamed on so-called Rohingya militants. Hundreds of Muslims have been reported to have been killed over the last few weeks – including women, children, and infants – and in the past few days the army has intensified its “clearance operation”, even using helicopter gunships to fire on innocent Rohingya Muslims. Residents reported that around 70 Rohingya, including women and children, were also gunned down as they tried to cross the Naaf River into Bangladesh to flee the bloodbath. Many of those who managed to escape were subsequently pushed away by border guards of the despicable Hasina regime when they reached Bangladesh. The Commanding Officer of the Cox’s Bazar Sector in eastern Bangladesh stated that 86 Rohingya including 40 women and 25 children were pushed back by Bangladesh border guards and the regime has increased border patrolling forces to prevent further Rohingya refugees entering the country. Many are now thought to be stranded at sea. Furthermore, it has been reported that dozens of our dear Rohingya Muslim sisters living in Rakhine state have been raped or sexually assaulted by Myanmar soldiers over the past few weeks. Reuters reported that it had interviewed 8 Rohingya women from the U Shey Kya village who said that Burmese troops had raided their homes, looted property and raped them at gun point. One Muslim sister described how she was gang-raped by 4 soldiers in her own home, who then sexually assaulted her 15 year old daughter. In addition, satellite photos published by Human Rights Watch on November 13th, show evidence of mass arson attacks on 3 Rohingya villages with over 400 burnt buildings which Burmese forces are accused of torching. The Myanmar military has also implemented a lockdown in the Rakhine state since last month, blocking humanitarian assistance, crippling food and medicine supplies, and leaving 80,000 Muslims in desperate need of aid to survive. Alongside all this, Myanmar police have admitted to training, arming and recruiting ethnic Buddhists and other non-Muslim residents in the Rakhine state to form a new “regional police”. In reality it will be a Buddhist militia formed to further slaughter the Rohingya Muslims. 
The murderous Myanmar military is using the bogus, well-trodden narrative of fighting militants to intensify its brutal campaign of mass killing and ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya Muslims. Our Rohingya Muslim brothers and sisters now stand on the brink of a potential genocide and yet the world watches on in silence and not one state moves to protect their lives. The democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, and her party the National League for Democracy which runs Myanmar’s government, the redundant UN, and the self-serving capitalist Western governments have chosen to ignore this blood-bath. To them, saving the lives of innocent Muslim women and children is clearly not worth risking their selfish political and economic interests. It demonstrates further, how the democratic system cannot be trusted to protect the lives of the oppressed. Meanwhile, the spineless regimes of the Muslim world would rather witness Muslims being slaughtered and dying at sea than provide them sanctuary and move their armies to their defense, due to their corrosive nationalistic system.
CMO_Sigflatt  So who will save the stateless Muslims of Myanmar? In today’s criminal capitalistic world-order, innocent women and children are hunted and slaughtered like animals with nowhere to turn for protection. Our dear sisters are dishonoured by filthy criminals and it does not even evoke a response by the rulers of the Muslim lands, not even to condemn or renounce it. Rather they have abandoned the innocent Muslims to face their fate alone. But our dear Rohingya Muslim brothers and sisters will never be abandoned by the future Khilafah State (Caliphate) based upon the method of the Prophethood, whose ruler and army will not rest until they are rescued from their tormentors and provided a secure, dignified life, and their oppressors destroyed! It is the only state that views the blood of the Muslims as sacred as defined by Islam, and hence will not tolerate for one drop of it to be spilt unjustly! So we call all Muslims to intensify their efforts to establish this glorious state with urgency which alone will save all the oppressed believers across the world, both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Dr. Nazreen Nawaz

Director of the Women’s Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


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