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A Corrupt Ideology Breeds Corrupt Officials

Press Release
Yet again, another corruption scandal has been found out. This time it involves the Health Ministry’s Officials are grilled over misappropriation of over Sh 3b ($300m). As usual, the investigation has been launched but certainly no one will be brought to the book. On the other hand, the ruling political elites along with the opposition have turned the issue into a blame game! With this regard, the Islamic Political Organization of Hizb ut Tahrir wishes to mention the following:
It is a bold betrayal and injustice of the so-called authorities holding public posts claiming to represent the public interests, instead of working to improve the life standard of the citizens; they are strongly competing over embezzlement of the public funds. Sadly, the fresh scam comes at a time where hundreds of thousands Kenyans are on the brink of starvation due to the drought.
This is crystal clear the Anti corruption bodies despite of changing its names have failed to deal with the evil.  Miserably some of the bosses of these bodies themselves have been caught up in graft. Late September this year, the Ethics and Anti- Corruption boss Philip Kinisu resigned over the connection with Esaki Limited Company which was paid in questionable dealings with the National Youth Service.
The essence of corruption in Kenya and, the world at large, emanate from the fallacy of embracing the erroneous colonial ideology: Capitalism. This corrupt and failed ideology whose values are other than the material value which makes its adherents to engage in a massing wealth through dirty ways. So, graft will not go away as long as this malicious ideology dominates the world.
Since the root cause of this problem is Capitalism, the real and tangible solution lies only on getting rid of the failed ideology. Replacing it with a just ideology which is no other than Islam whose sole criteria of Man’s action is what the Almighty Allah has decreed and not the materialistic benefit. Hence a society should be safeguarded against any evil acts because it angers the Almighty Allah (swt). In addition, Islam has entitled the whole society to enjoin what is right and forbid all evils no matter if the culprit is affluent or destitute, a ruler or ordinary citizen.
Islam has also demanded a ruler to account and remove any corrupt official without fear or favor. It is through these etiquettes; Islam embodied in the righteous Khilafah State will solely eradicate all kinds of evils and spread all kinds and goodness in the world.

Shabani Mwalimu
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Kenya


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