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The Battle to lift the Siege represents the Breaking of the American Will upon the Land of Ash-Shaam

The fighting groups of Ash-Shaam began a wide-ranging military battle upon areas of Halab (Aleppo) aiming to break the siege after the regime was able to place its siege upon for the second time on 04/09/2016. Russia had announced a few days before a truce lasting 8 hours and thereafter extended it further whilst the international institutions hastened to promote a truce in Halab in which the armed groups would leave in exchange for a cessation of bombing and destruction upon homes and hospitals in a provocative manner stripping what has been called the international community and exposing its true reality which some immature politicians still believe possesses some goodness.
This battle comes in this time to affirm that previous truces in a number of regions upon the land of Ash-Shaam would not have taken place had it not been for the conspiracy from near and far, the betrayal of the rulers of harm and particularly from the neighbouring countries. The battle of Halab comes to reiterate and confirm that the people of Ash-Shaam will never surrender to America nor to its political solution that it is trying to impose upon the people of Ash-Shaam using Iran, its party (from Lebanon), criminal militias, Russia and its tyrants upon the land of Ash-Shaam. That is because Russia is not a competitor to America or rival to it, rather its intervention in Syria came to implement the American plan to eliminate the revolution of Ash-Shaam.
O fighting groups (Mujaahidah) upon the land of Ash-Shaam:
Know that this battle of yours is not to break the siege impose over our people in Halab alone, rather it is to break the will of America and to reject its political solution which began with truces and negotiations. Your responding to the weak and besieged is one thousand times better than you responding to the solutions of humiliation and disgrace that America is presenting you. The people of Halab have confirmed their holding firm to their revolution and their revolutionaries when they rejected the exiting of the Mujahideen as a condition for a cessation of bombing. They are bearing the bombing and destruction because they know that you will never betray them or let them down and will never surrender them. So affirm to Allah first that you will continue upon your path until you bring down the regime and bring the ruling of Islam. And affirm to your besieged people that you think well of them and that you will cut your relations with the West and its tools from amongst the states that have stood with their hands tied in front of the daily massacres that the criminal regime is perpetrating alongside Russia in Halab and other places. Affirm to them that you will be one single row upon the heart of one single man. That is because your hope is not in breaking the siege alone but rather in realising a complete victory over the criminal regime and its supporters in Ash-Shaam by severing the head of the snake and establishing the rule of Islam. And make your victory, by the permission of Allah, a path to eradicating your enemy and not a path to negotiating with it whatever the consequences… And know that the pleasure of Allah and the pleasure of the disbeliever West do not come together. So hold fast to the rope of Allah Alone and cut the ropes from other than Him and at that time the victory will descend upon you and you will realise the promise of Allah and the believers will rejoice. And you through your coming forward, your sacrifices and heroism will be a people who attain the honour of victory and consolidation by the permission of Allah.
O Patient Persevering Muslims in the land of Ash-Shaam:
Here are your sons the sincere Mujaahideen going forth to support you and responding to your call so assist the sincere with all good and helping them in every Ma’roof. And arise to undertake that which Allah has made obligatory upon you in terms of ordering the Ma’roof and forbidding the Munkar, taking to task the Zhalim (oppressor) and straightening whoever wishes to divert the compass of your revolution from its objectives or to cause a breach in our ship that will drown us all.
So remain patient upon the Haqq (truth) and trust in the promise of Allah and if the near and far let you down or betray you then Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla has taken Ash-Shaam and its people into His care just as the Messenger of Allah (swt) informed us:
«إنَّ اللَّهَ تَكَفَّلَ لِي بِالشَّامِ وَأَهْلِهِ»
“Verily Allah has taken charge of the care of Ash-Shaam and its people for me”
And Allah Ta’Aalaa said:
﴿وَنُرِيدُ أَن نَّمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِينَ
“And We wanted to confer favour upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors” [28: 5].

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Syria


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