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Political Analysis

The following are various different articles related to current affairs and political analysis by various authors. Please note that these are selected articles and not a full list of articles available on this site, to see a full list on this topic please click on the category label:

US Normalizing relations with the "Axis of Evil"
Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh condemns the arrest its student activists
This Spring America’s target is not Iran but Pakistan
No Palestinian Prison state until 2009
Musharraf's American Plan
Statement on Hizb ut-Tahrir's delegations to quell bloodshed in Lebanon
Bush’s Plan For Iraq and The Middle East
The disastarous declaration of Hamas & Fatah amounts to recognising the Jewish state
Pakistan's Kashmir policy is a double-edged sword
A call to the people of Palestine and to Hamas and Fatah in particular
Somalia…Somalia Make It Victorious, Oh Muslims!
Political Concepts Part 6 - World Main issues
Iran and North Korea standoff exposes US NPT policy
Is America encouraging the Talibanisation of Afghanistan?
The tragedy in the foreign policy of Turkey
The danger of Baker-Hamilton document on Iraq
Musharraf Attempts To Resuscitate The Kashmir Plan By Abandoning Its Claim To The Territory
The American century is about to end
The fictitious expansion of Tajikistan's ruling party
Democrats win: What does it mean for Bush and Iraq
America plans to give Southern Iraq to Iran
America in a difficult predicament over North Korea
US hand in Pakistan '99 coup: Ex-ISI chief
Attempted Coup in Pakistan Foiled
Pakistan’s regime commits to sacrifice soldiers for America’s divide and rule policy
America could neither dare to wage an open war against Pakistan five years ago nor has the courage to do so today
From Syria: If Not Ashamed, Do Whatever You Wish
Murder in Samarkand - book by ex-ambassador of UK to Uzbekistan
The Lebanese Blood Is Wasted By A Fatal Resolution

The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?

What is going on in Lebanon?

What’s behind the official completion of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline?

Analysis about tensions with Iran

The Great Game in Somalia
Political Concepts Part 5 - Motives of struggle between states
Political Concepts Part 4 - International Convention/Norms
Political Concepts Part 3
Political Concepts Part 2 - Political plans and styles
Political Concepts - Part 1

American Influence Over Indian Politics And Its Consequences

Analysis of the Coup in Mauritania

Analysis of EU Summit

Recent Developments in Darfur

What is the tug-of-war taking place in Lebanon?

Analysis of Russian & Chinese joint military manoeuvres

America, India, Pakistan & F16's

Analysis of Rice's visit to Central Asia

Recent developments in Syria


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